Funny Feelings

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"Guys there something we need to discuss before we go out tonight" The girls and I say in unison looking at them straight up hiding no emotions.

"Yoo what's up? You guys alright?" Jim says looking at the boys then at us. "Shocked will be your answer after we tell you" Anna say laying on the couch looking at the boys.

It has been about an hour and a half since I got back from Audric and I have told the girls that we have no other way out but to tell them who we are in the underground world.

"Oh we forgot to ask what is your guys names for the underground" Lucas ask looking at us with a confused face.

"Yooo take a seat my big bro's we have plenty of time before we head out tonight" Jen says with a smirk on her face. She has been wanting to tell the boys since after the kidnapping but we have told her that no one is to know unless they find out the secret. However, certain circumstances have come up in this case.

"What ever it is we are still siblings after all and that I am sure it's not that bad" Dennis says sitting down pulling me in his arms along with Levi on my other side pulling me down with him as well.

"So what's this about girls" Jim says looking at us one by one starting with me first and last.

"Our fighting stages and names" Jen replies with a serious look on her face, "What you gonna tell us that your Night Shade, Lightning and Night the best fighters in the underground" Lucas says with a small laugh.

"Well...." Us three girls say in unison looking down at the floor not daring to look up at any of the boys.

"Wait so you guys are the top fighters.... is that what your tryna tell us" Levi says standing up and pointing to Jen first, Ann next then lucky last me.

"I'm Night the third best" Anna starts off looking at the boys "I'm Lightning second best" Jenny follows lead with a smile on his face "and that means that Lexi is the one and only Night Shade" Levi follows in before I could speak.

"WHAT" the boys all say in unison standing up at the same time leaving a long pause.

"That's just dope as fuck" Lucas says with a wide smile on his face his bright shinning teeth showing causing me and the girls to smile.

"Hold up so my sisters are the top fighters who we have been watching ever since they started" Levi says looking excited.

"Yup that's pretty much it we weren't going to say anything because we just got in this family and got to know each other and so on, but then if kept doing the same excuse going on eventually you will find out so we thought about it and roughly too and this was the agreement." I reply shrugging my shoulders like it was nothing.

Do not tell anyone this and I mean it if anyone else knows about this then you are all dead I reply with a dark and low voice sitting up straighter.

Yes maam They all salute me in unison Dont wanna get on your bad side Lucas says shaking the thoughts away.

Lexi, Lexi, Lexi can you take us to the park please Jenifer asks happily rushing in and jumping on my lap.

Sure lil sis go get changed and make sure mum and dad know then I will be right down I reply playing with her hair.

"Remember the promise" Anna and Jenny both say with low voices trying to scare the boys while walking out to get ready with Jenifer.

"Come boys let go" I say with a small smirk on my face following not far after the girls "I am still tryna get used to this whole thing" Dennis says smiling shaking his head side to side.


"What a surprise Night, Lightning and last but not least Night Shade" Says the one and only Raymond the gang-leader now of the Third most feared gang in the world.

We don't talk or do anything we just nod our heads and walk away from the gang coming up behind Raymond.

"Now we know who's leader after Greyson's death" Jenny says when we are closer and out of hearing range. "Yup so we have to keep a real eye out for them because trouble is coming and we not by ourselves no more we are in a gang now" is my reply coming stopping at the top watching over the underground fights.

"Umm sis something doesn't feel right" Lucas says through the ear piece we have hidden so no one takes notice.

"Everything will be fine it normal" Anna reply's back looking down at the first fight going on.

"Night Shade we got you a race down at the back for half a million you down" a low voice says over the phone.

"Coming right down I will met you there" I reply with a low voice sounding like a boy instead of our own voices.

"See you when you get here then Night Shade" His reply then hangs up before I reply.

The underground everyone who comes knows that they are not to come near us or even talk to us for everyone's safety. The only person who talks to us is the owner and that's it he is like our group manager.

"Head to the back I got a deal for half a mill" Is all I say to the girls and head downstairs walking through the crowd and going through the back door.

"I don't have a good feeling about the race" I hear Anna says her hand by her stomach looking at Jenny then me.

"Yeah me too" Jenny says looking at me with concern, "I am going to do this it half a mill enough for all of us even though we are staying with others now my conditions on you guys are still the same" I reply looking at them straight in the eyes.

"Your just like dad and how'd you get a deal like that" Dennis says on the other side of the earpiece "Get use to it ma big bro I am very hard when it comes to protecting my family" I say giving a small smirk opening the back door to the back.


Hey guys I am very sorry for everything I feel bad about leaving the book for a really long time even tho I am trying to get this done but I am really busy with everything its not funny.

But your guys ideas are helping me so comment more I have the chapters coming on its way then you will have your chapters.

Till next time

Starlit18 out

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