Ah babye Cage Light

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"Lexi come one we need to get to the backyard fast" Alex says guiding me to the backyard I presume.

"Behind you" I say starting the male who was aiming at us.

"Duck down" that was all I needed to feel the body drop right next to me. "Hurry up then" I say getting up and jogging to what I hope is the kitchen.

"It's over now Shadow Mist your surrounded and there's nowhere to go" I hear Cages voice as I get closer and closer to the backyard.

I sneak up behind him when no one is watching "You have some people we need and we are going nowhere without them." Dennis says from the other side of the yard holding his pistol up tall and strong.

Cage follows suits and by now people have gun out nd raised up.

"Back down Cage" I say holding Cage with a knife at his throat causing his gun to drop from his grip.

"Lexi my dear how nice of you to join us" Cage says smiling causing me to push the knife deep into his neck.

"Don't Cage, you think you have it all planned out but you wrong this time, I'm the one who's gonna walk out with Lightning and Night and your the one who's gonna be in hell wishing you never messed with me" I say pushing the knife in his neck further the warm bloods running down his neck and along the knife making its way to my fingertips.

"Lexi put the knife down" Alex says stepping from the sidelines and into view.

I listen for once but not before doing a roundhouse kick to his head casing him to drop on the ground with a loud thud.

"Son, shoot her" Cage orders Alex pointing an accusing finger a me.

"My pleasure father" Alex says smirking at his so called father raising his gun and shooting Cage in the leg.

"Ahhh. You little shit.... your gonna pay" Cage screams at Alex.

"Tsk tsk tsk I would watch your mouth if I was you" I say dangerously low sending shivers down everyone's spine including Alex and Noah.

"Your gonna regret that " Cages say pointing an accusing finger at Alex.

"No father you gonna regret ever messing with me and my best friends" Alex say smirking standing tall and strong beside me. Alex steps forward from where my brothers and a bit of the gang.

"Ah huh Noah the last piece missing to the group. Noah the brains, Alex the athletic and lastly Lexi the leader of the group" Cage says struggling to get up.

"Cage my asshole bastard to lovely to see you" Noah says sarcastically stepping in place beside me.

"The only ass about me is my dick in your mo-" Cage was cut off by his own screams due to the fact that Noah has shot his other leg.

"Speak about her and you won't even want to know how things will go down" Noah says the darkness inside of him showing as his voice gets dangerously low.

"Don't worry my dear boy I will have my gang come save me" Cage says smiling like he just won the lottery.

"Gang?" I ask confused looking at Alex "What gang?" Alex says doing the same actions I did. We both look at him confused then look at each other, I guess we were both thinking the same thing as we both start laughing like it was the most funniest thing in the world.

"Don't worry dear boy" I say laughing and trying to match Cage's voice. "I will have my gang come save me" Alex says matching his dads tone and laughing at the same time. By now you have us both on the floor laughing I our asses off with Noah shaking his head at us and smirking at a very very angry Cage.

"Didn't you know" I say sobering u a bit looking straight at an angry Cage "Know one what" He spat out like he ate poison.

"We killed you gang" Alex and I say like it was the easiest thing in the world to say.

"Each and everyone one of them even he one scattered around the country" I say smirking as I see all the colour from Cage's face drain away like water.

''You actually thought you could kill us" Alex says chuckling with no humor out of it. "Yeah we told you already and we will tell you again never ever fucking underestimate us" I say smirking and taking a step closer with each word spoken.

"Ha guess its time to say goodbye now Bastard" Noah says waving his hand like he waving to a kid.

"Tie him to a tree and each member get to have a cut and also those that have died add them on to plus the pain you feel cause of you loss give it to him he deserves much worse" I say ordering he gang that has showed up.

"Lexi go home we will sort everything out" Dennis says as he come up to me followed by everyone else.

"No stay and make sure that asshole get what he deserves" I say looking at them "I know you wanna hug me but not now I am covered in Blue Dragons blood all of it but I will meet you at home along with everyone else at the house" I say to them.

"Me and the girls and these two idiots will meet dad there" I say pointing my fingers at Alex and Noah who are smirking at my brothers.

"Why are we going there?" Jenny ask coming forward.

"Its time to know who the true Night, Lightning and Night Shade are" I reply honestly.

"What are you nuts?" Anna says stepping forward "Nope we are the best underground fighters in the WORLD it time we show the world who we really are" I say looking at Anna who looks convinced now.

"Hey Cage don't forget who I am I am Lexi fucking Armstrong the girl who made your life hell" I say walking away from everyone and walk towards Damion car.

"Light, Lee and Armstrong sisters hurry the fuck up we don't got all day" I say and wave them over and within a second they are all by my side.

"Good now let go end it for real this time." I say and lead us to Damion's car.


Hey guys well I got this Chapter done thanks to my cousin who actually reads me book and has helped me by giving me her devices to use and everything.

Thank you so much for everything you don't know how grateful I am and don't know how excited I get.

got to go so bye guys.

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