Let her date

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"Aunt Lexi when do you think I can join the Rebel Guns" Oceania ask looking up at me with her blue eyes showing me hopeful eyes.

I sigh but pause our current show looking at my three little ones Max, Oceania and Jenifer "Let's talk alright" I say looking them all in the eyes my niece the most.

"This talk is for mostly the girls but Max too" I say giving him a smile and nodding my head at him "Jenifer as you know that we your siblings and other family around you except these two are in a gang" I say looking at my sister as she nods her head slowly.

"Yeah but I don't like it because mommy is always worried about you guys" My little sister says with a frown on her face.

"Yeah so you being our youngest we only want what you want what's best for you so whatever you choose to do we support you, when we are gone to do work you need to look after mom for us" I says kissing her forehead.

"Yes sissy but how do I do that I am not strong like you" She says looking at me with watery eyes "You are strong in you own way everyone is, they just need to find it. So that's exactly what you should do your young enjoy the life don't have this screwed up life we are in because once you join there is no going back" I caressing her cheeks as she shines her bright shining smile at me.

"And you missy hell you remind me of me" I say chuckling at her as she chuckles with me "You need to think about your future because this life I am living is not what you want" I say looking at her with a serious look as she does the same with me.

"But it is aunt you are my inspiration always has been since the moment I met you" Oceania says with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.

I sigh but take her hands in mine "Let's make a deal aye? If you still want this life by the time you are sixteen then I will suss something out but if you want another lifestyle then I will along with your dad and uncle make sure you get whatever you want" I say letting her hands go and pushing her hair out of her face.

"Can I street fight and race like you though" Oceania ask her eyes full of hope "That is not up to me it's up to your dad but if you are allowed then I will be there every time to make sure you're safe" I say kissing her head as she nods and then I look over to my little brother.

"I won't be as sappy and shit but I will be honest I got you out now take it as a chance to live your life if you want the same deal as Oceania then you got it but remember have a normal life all of you" I say ruffling Max's hair as he wacks my hands and smiles at me.

"Thanks sis" He says then makes himself comfy along with the girls as we all continue to watch the 100.


Waking up slowly as I watch the show still going, I hear voices "Where are my kids" I hear my mom asking from outside me room door I look down at everyone and see them all passed out on me, Max laying on a pillow on my legs and Jenifer and Oceania tucked into my side Oceania has her legs resting with Max's legs.

Aww they are so going to be a cute couple.

"Whoa" I hear a voice say as I look up sleepily to see all my brothers, dad, Sam, Noah, Alex and mom at the door staring at us in awe.

"Why is my daughter's legs tangled up with your brothers?" Noah whisper's to me as I glare at him to shut up.

"Shut up she is growing let her date" I whisper yell at him "I just got her back I am not giving her away so easily" Noah whisper yells at me taking a step closer but was stop as Oceania stirs in her sleep.

I glare at him "If you wake her up I am so letting her shoot you" I warn with my glare hardening on her "You wouldn't" Noah ask nervously as I smirk.

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