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"What can I do?" Arkyn asked Bonnie once he arrived. She and Elena stood together.
"Well, can you fix a speaker? Or do I have to get one of the carnival people to help out?"
"I've been around for a long time. I've dabbled."
"Great!" She grinned.
"Okay, why don't you show me what the problem is?"
"Yeah, Bonnie." Elena teased. "Show him the problem."
"Okay, come on." Bonnie pulled Arkyn along. She took him to the karaoke section.
"Yeah, I can work with this." He smiled and started messing with the wires. Bonnie watched him appreciatively and he glanced up, smirking. "See something you like?"
"Hmm, maybe a little." She replied as he put the speaker in its place.
"All done, my lady. What's next?" He stood.
"Hey, you." Damon called walking up to them.
"Damon." Arkyn rolled his eyes.
"What other supernatural creatures are out there?"
"What do you mean?"
"There's a family- the Lockwoods. They're not human."
"They're not vampires."
"So what are they?"
"Oh, you mean you only know about witches and vampires. Have you lived under a rock, like, your entire vampiric existence."
"You mean there's something else?"
"Let me get this straight. You came to my house to try to kill me, and now you're asking me for my help?"
"Pretty much."
"Sorry. I'd rather watch you try to find out. Besides. His type don't usually want trouble."
"So you know what he is?"
"Of course I do."
"But you won't tell me?"
"Because I'm a dick?"
"Pretty much."
"Then I guess I'll find out for myself."
"Have fun." Arkyn smirked. Bonnie raised her brow as Damon walked away.
"Wait there are other creatures around?"
"Yeah." Arkyn put his finger to his lips and gestured to Damon. "The Lockwoods. That's Tyler's family right?"
"Yeah. Tyler's uncle came back into town."
"I'd love to chat with this uncle."
"Should I be worried?"
"No. I don't kill." He said, quickly kissing her forehead, and led her away from the karaoke.
"Well you've gotten over your commitment issues quickly." Xavier remarked.
"Bonnie. This is Xavier."
"We've met." She said. "Hi."
"Hello, Bonnie." He greeted as Arkyn looked confused.
"Now I'm worried."
"Don't worry. I didn't tell her any of your deep dark secrets."
"He has quite a few, doesn't he?" She tilted her head to the side.
"But none we're getting into tonight."
"He can be kind of touchy." Xavier whispered.
"Why don't you go find your sister, Xavier?"
"Lex is kind of," Xavier looked disgusted, "busy at the moment. I'm going to lock her in her room when she gets home."
"You could try, but she'll find her way out."
"Not if I put a boundary spell around her room."
"You're a witch?" Bonnie asked.
"He can be very particular about terminology."
"Just as particular as you are about your age."
"You know how old he is?"
"No, he doesn't." Arkyn said before Xavier could reply.
"Why don't you want me to know?"
"He doesn't like to be reminded of how old he is." Xavier explained.
"I won't judge."
"I know. It's not that." Arkyn was quick to assure Bonnie. They walked and saw Caroline, Damon, Elena and Stefan.
"Caroline?" Bonnie gasped.
"It's okay, come on." Stefan tried to soothe.
"No, you're not; you can't be." She looked as though she was about to throw up. Arkyn tried to touch her arm but she moved her arm back.
"Bonnie?" Caroline asked. Bonnie saw Carter's body.
"Oh god!"
"Bonnie..." Caroline tried again but Stefan led her away.
"She'll be okay." Arkyn tried to comfort her.
"That's the guy Alexis was with."
"What?" Arkyn turned to Xavier.
"She was hanging out with him." He pointed at the dead man.
"I'll be back." Arkyn told Bonnie. "I have to go find Alexis." Bonnie nodded, understandingly. "She'll be okay."
"Okay." Bonnie nodded and Arkyn sped away.

"Lex!" He yelled searching for her, but he couldn't find her. "Alexis!" He tried to listen for her but couldn't find her. He sped over to the rollercoaster and looked around. "Alexis!"
"No need to yell." She popped up behind him. "Jeesh, what's the matter?"
"The matter is, I was worried, Lex. You need to pick up your phone. Let's go find Xavier, before he starts a locator spell."
"Too late." He walked up to them.
"I thought we were all gonna meet up at the house?"
"Xavier, take her home." Arkyn sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"What? But the night isn't over." She whined.
"Lex, the guy you were with earlier is dead. It was an accident, but he's dead. So please just go home and go to sleep, and we'll all talk in the morning. Okay?"
"Okay." She said quietly and Xavier led her away. He sped back to Bonnie, only to see her walk away from Elena and Damon.
"Hey." He walked after her.
"You were right. Katherine did try something."
"I should've been there last night. I'm sorry."
"You said sometimes vampires change. Like your siblings?"
"Caroline was a sweetheart before she turned. There's no way she's going to be evil."
"What if she is? I mean Vicki was a vampire. And she went crazy."
"I don't know who this Vicki was, but I promise you, I will help Caroline. And so will you. Because she's your best friend. And she deserves your help. She didn't ask for any of this. All she did was die by Katherine's hand."
"I know. It's just going to take some getting used to."
"You liked me from the start."
"Grams trusted you. So do the spirits. Plus you were nice and you saved me. It was hard to hate you."
"Give it a little time. You'll realise she's still your Caroline."

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