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"You know, Alexis was there to help us. Help us try save Elena so that you wouldn't have to deal with Klaus."
"She asked you to talk to me?" Arkyn raised his brow at Bonnie who shook her head.
"No, no. Just, maybe you could let up a little?" He looked at her pointedly and she looked at sheepish. "So maybe she did, but that's not the only reason I'm doing this."
"I know she was only trying to help, and its not that. She could've died. You all could have, but she's my responsibility, you know. I want to keep her safe as long as I can. It's what Aly would have wanted." He shrugged. "Besides, I highly doubt she's suffering all that much right now, what with Jeremy over."
"She's a teenage girl who's home alone forbidden to go out. She'll try to rebel, and have someone over."
"And you're okay with it."
"I trust Alexis not to go too overboard. I figure if I don't let her have this win, she'll actually do something drastic."
"I wonder if I'm this much of a handful to my dad." Bonnie sighed, and Arkyn grinned.
"So things better between you and Caroline?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think so. She's still Caroline. Maybe not quite how things used to be, but she's the same sensitive, blunt, insane person I remember."
"I can hear the love." Arkyn said sarcastically.
"She's also kind, caring, and funny. A really good friend."
"That's good to hear. My siblings might have totally changed since they turned, but not everyone does."
"Thank you." Bonnie smiled.
"For what?"
"Helping me realise that she'll always be Caroline. I was judging her, and you helped me get over it."
"She's a good friend." Arkyn shrugged, as Bonnie's phone rang.

Arkyn dropped Bonnie off at home. She was going to get her things together so that she and Elena could go to Caroline's house and comfort the young vampire. She'd gone through quite an ordeal, tortured by the wolves. After Arkyn dropped her off, he went to Caroline's house himself just to make sure she was okay.
"Ark?" She frowned after she opened the door.
"Hey, I just heard. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." She said. Arkyn looked at her, and her resolve dropped. "I'm not fine." Arkyn opened his arms and she gave him a hug, and cried, burrowing into his shirt. He stroked her hair and let her get it all out. When she moved away, she let out a little laugh. "Sorry I ruined your shirt." He shrugged.
"That's fine. It's only my favourite shirt. No biggie." He teased. "It'll get better."
"Promise?" She asked.
"Promise. Maybe not straight away, but bit by bit, it'll get better, and one day you'll wake up and realise you're a stronger person."
"Thanks, Ark." She said. "Bonnie's lucky to have you."
"It's really the other way round." He cocked his head to the side, as he heard cars approaching the road. "That's my cue to go. If you need to talk or ruin my other shirts, you have my number." He laughed. She shoved him slightly but had a smile on her face. "You're strong, Caroline. Don't forget."

The next day, Arkyn and Bonnie drove Xavier and Alexis to Richmond where they'd be taking a plane. Arkyn handed Xavier their boarding passes.
"Now remember, Xavier make sure Alexis doesn't get her hands on these or they might spontaneously combust. Alexis, behave. Try to actually listen to Xavier during the trip. You will be nice to your grandmother, don't pick fights. Xavier-"
"Don't worry. We won't run away. We'll be fine." Xavier rolled his eyes.
"Most importantly-"
"Try to at least have some fun." Xavier and Alexis said simultaneously.
"We know. We'll behave. Can't promise to enjoy it, but we'll be good."
"Good." Arkyn nodded, and gave them a hug as their plane was called one more time.
"It's a weekend, Ark."
"Yeah, well last time I took you out of town for a weekend..." Arkyn trailed off.
"Yeah, and Xavier was the irresponsible one then. Why are you on my case more than his?"
"Relax, Ark." She smirked, and turned to Bonnie. "Will you make sure he relaxes this weekend?"
"Sure." Bonnie laughed.
"But, um, please keep the relaxing to the bedroom." Alexis pulled a face.
"Alexis!" Arkyn admonished. She grinned cheekily.
"See ya!" She ran off.
"Seriously, don't worry about us. We'll be fine." Xavier promised and followed his sister. Arkyn sighed.
"Somehow his words make me worry more."
"You're cute." She laughed. "Come on, you've got a whole mansion to yourself, a gorgeous girlfriend you don't really deserve, and the kids are away for the weekend. What are your plans?"
"Xavier's older than you."
"That's true, but you are basically his dad which makes him one of the kids." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Well, I suppose that means I'm home alone for the weekend. What is it teenagers do when they're home alone?"

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