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Klaus, Elijah and Arkyn went to Alaric's house. Arkyn stood at the door, unable to get in, but he could still see what was going on. Stefan was already there- Arkyn guessed he'd somehow found out about Klaus being the cure. The men talked, before Klaus daggered Elijah. He looked up at Arkyn as though daring him to say something but Arkyn rolled his eyes. Klaus focused his attention on Stefan shoving him up against the wall, with a stake near his heart.
"Klaus." Arkyn said. "Enough with the theatrics. We just want the cure, and we'll be out of your hair."
"It's not so simple, little brother. There's a price."
"I thought we already agreed on price."
"Well that just isn't enough. You demanded a lot. I just want one more thing. To sweeten the deal."
"What do you want?" Stefan choked out. Klaus let go of him.
"I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village...A true ripper. Sound familiar?" Klaus smirked. Stefan shook his head.
"I haven't been that way in a long time."
"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town." Klaus said.
"What? You've daggered Elijah so you're looking for a playmate. That's pathetic, don't you think?" Arkyn said. "We had a deal, or don't you remember?"
"Well I could hand over the cure and leave your precious town and do everything you ask of me if you gave it to me."
"You're not known for keeping your word. I'm holding on to it."
"Then I suppose our deal's a little lopsided. I mean what do I get out of all this?"
"Your life."
"You're not exactly my most threatening adversary, little brother."
"No, but then again, I did spend some time with him. Picked up a few tricks."
"Is one of those tricks escaping boundary spells?" Stefan asked.
"Not exactly." Arkyn said.
"No one can escape boundary spells, little brother. It's a boundary spell."
"Well, I will admit his training did help me overcome boundary spells."
"Who is this he, anyways?" Stefan asked.
"Does it matter?" Arkyn said, not taking his eyes off Klaus. "He's dead anyway."
"Well, as fun as this all is," Klaus drawled, his time bored. "I've had my fill of this town for now. So Stefan, you want a deal? The cure for your brother, and in return you and I go on a road trip?"
"How do I know you really have the cure?"
"I suppose it's only fair you get to see for yourself." Klaus nodded. He strode to the door and held out his hand. Arkyn reluctant handed it over, and Klaus bit him. Stefan almost went over but Katherine held him back. Klaus then bit his own wrist and held it to Arkyn's mouth. The bite healed. "There's your cure."
"Your blood is the cure?"
"Gotta love Mother Nature."
"Ironic, the person given the ability to heal fatal bites is the one person who'll manage to use it for evil."
"You let him bite you." Stefan accused.
"Well if Klaus's blood didn't work, I'll heal. You and Katherine on the other hand would die."
"You weren't sure if Klaus's blood would heal the bite?"
"It was a guess. I wanted to make sure before telling you about it. Only you decided to get involved."
"Don't blame him. It was a pretty predictable move."
"I don't blame him, Klaus. I have nothing to blame him for. He actually gives a damn about his brother. It was just naive of me to think he wouldn't do whatever he needed."
"Perhaps you should take notes."
"I do care. I care about Kol and Finn. You and Elijah have proved you're not my brothers is all." Arkyn shrugged.
"And Rebekah? You don't hate her but you don't love her."
"Like I told you before. She's complicated. Where's Kol?"
"You will get Kol back, just not yet. Not for a few decades."
"You've kept him daggered for a century. You expect me to leave him in your diabolical hands for longer?"
"Just until I can make sure you don't plan on going back on your word."
"I'm not you. I pride myself on having a little something called honour. I wouldn't expect you to understand." Arkyn rolled his eyes.
"I won't hurt this community you've built here. But Kol stays daggered for the next few decades." Klaus tilted his head. "But you could always have it the other way round. Leave the town unprotected, get Kol back."
"You're insane. And out of your mind."
"You'd choose the people you've barely known for a little bit over the brother you adore?"
"You're a dick."
"Sticks and stones."
"Can you have your family squabble later? Damon doesn't have very long."
"It's not a family squabble if you're not family. And Klaus is not my family." Arkyn frowned. Klaus picked up a vial and set it down on the counter. He grabbed a knife from Alaric's knife rack. He let his blood pour into the vial before grinning diabolically at Stefan.
"There it is. You want the cure? You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town."
"I'm not like that anymore." Stefan denied.
"Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman." He started pouring the blood into the sink.

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