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"You've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain." Elijah said.
"That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah. Wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family."
"You gave me your word, Niklaus."
"What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me."
"I could have. But I didn't."
"And now no one can, not even you. Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven." Klaus started walking.
"Where are they?" Elijah followed as Arkyn stayed where he was.
"You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough." Klaus said, before turning to the younger original. "And you. What are you doing here? You and your little girlfriend failed to kill me."
"For the last time, I don't want to kill you. But I will if I have to." Klaus scoffed before turning away and continued walking.
"You can't. I'm a hybrid now."
"While that makes you stronger and faster, it doesn't make you immune to a white oak stake." Arkyn said. Elijah and Klaus stopped in their tracks.
"What are you saying?"
"About a century ago, Mikael gave me a white oak stake. Turns out he had two."
"Where is it?" Klaus snarled.
"I won't hand it over to you. I know how much you like sticking pointy objects in your siblings so you really can't be trusted with it. And Elijah? The two of you have been practically joined at the hip for the past millennium and yet he tried to kill you. I could never hand it to either of you. But you leave the people I care about alone? I can promise not to use it on you."
"Not good enough."
"Well it'll have to be, or I will come after you myself and stake you. I've already proved I don't fancy killing you. All I want to do is live my life. So you leave those in this town alone, and I will never use it against you."
"You told Mikael exactly where we were. How can I trust you wouldn't feel like killing us again."
"The only reason I told Mikael where you were was self preservation. Don't you think I would have driven the stake through your heart during the ritual if I wanted to kill you?"
"Fine. I won't kill your friends."
"And two more things." Arkyn said.
"What else could you possibly want?"
"The older Salvatore got bitten. I believe your blood is the cure."
"You're the original hybrid. It's a long shot, but it's worth a try."
"No deal."
"Are you sure? Because you've only just finally gotten all you want. It'd be a shame for it to be short lived."
"Do you want a dagger in your heart?"
"I'd like to see you try." Arkyn's stance was defensive.
"Niklaus. Arkyn. Stop acting like children."
"Shut up, Elijah. You don't get to tell me what to do. In fact, neither of you do."
"Enough!" Klaus stormed over to Arkyn who didn't flinch.
"You don't scare me, anymore, Klaus."
"That's new." Klaus said.
"Not really. For the longest time, I was afraid of you. Scared you would come after me and dagger me. I suppose I should thank you. Your massacre helped me realise there was something worse than being daggered."
"What massacre?" Elijah frowned.
"Don't tell me it's losing those you care for. Because, for a moment there, I actually felt a smidge of respect for you. The whole silent but deadly thing actually works for you." Klaus said.
"Doesn't matter. I've learned a couple lessons over the centuries. Including that there's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to you. You're just a shadow of empty threats."
"You dare insult me. Right after I broke my curse. Newsflash, little brother. I'm older than you and I'm a hybrid. I'm stronger than you. Faster."
"Yes. You're the hybrid. Because our mother cheated on Mikael with a werewolf, resulting in you. The bastard. Tell me Klaus- you're afraid being known as the bastard, and yet you gladly welcome the title hybrid. You know they go hand in hand right?" Arkyn smirked. Klaus growled and punched his brother. Arkyn's head snapped to the side. He turned back to Klaus and laughed in his face. "I thought you were supposed to be strong. What happened? Forget how to punch?"
"Stop it!" Elijah sped between his younger brothers. "Niklaus. Just give him your blood."
"The older Salvatore was bitten. Which means Stefan'll come knocking soon enough. I'll make a deal with him for his brother's life."
"Of course. Klaus wants a friend. You sacrificed his girlfriend and her aunt. You can't honestly believe he'll get over that and be best buds with you like the twenties." Arkyn taunted.
"What do you know about the twenties?"
"I admit. I was tempted to murder you in Chicago. I found you guys."
"What stopped you?"
"That's none of your business."
"How did you always know where to find us? How were you keeping tabs?"
"You were never as discreet as you thought."
"Mikael couldn't find us."
"Mikael was overestimating you."
"What is the second thing you want?" Klaus asked. "You said there were two things you wanted."
"Kol." Arkyn said. "I want you to give me Kol."
"No." Klaus refused.
"Mikael has been dealt with. He's been immobilised for the past fifteen years. So if Kol goes on a murder spree you don't have to worry about it drawing attention to you."
"I will undagger Kol and the rest of our siblings." Elijah said. "Because Niklaus promised to hand them over."
"I don't care what deal the two of you have. I want Kol."
"You won't go through with it." Klaus shook his head. "You could never drive the stake through my heart."
"Do you want to find out?"
"I won't go after the people in this town. I will make a deal with Stefan. That's all you're getting."
"I will get my brother back, one way or another."
"So now you have family again."
"Just because you and Elijah aren't my family, doesn't mean I can't care about my other brothers. Finn who you've kept in a box his entire life, and Kol who's always protected me. I consider them brothers."
"And Rebekah? Is she your family?" Klaus said, mockingly.
"Rebekah is... complicated."

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