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Arkyn took Bonnie home that night, and kissed her on her doorstep.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"For what?" He asked.
"I know you don't really like Stefan and Damon. If I'm being honest neither do I. Sometimes it's easy to forget that just because they're good to Elena, and that Stefan's kind of nice, they're not always so good. If that makes sense."
"Hey, if you ever need me, I'll be here for you. I'm sorry you had to witness Jonas dying."
"I'm still going to help them, because Elena's my best friend, and if that means I have tolerate them then so be it. Because Elena means the world to me, and I won't stand by and let Klaus use her in a sacrifice."
"I know." He said. "And no matter how much I wish you weren't involved, I know you will be. But I can't interfere. The last time I helped a doppelganger, he took three decades of my life. And Lex and Xavier have already lost so much. I can't do that to them."
"It's okay." Bonnie reassured, taking his hands. "I know your reasons are valid. I know that doppelgangers are a sore topic for you, and that you've got people to protect. I already told you before. I won't ask you to fight, and you won't ask me not to fight."
"I won't let him hurt you, though. I will never allow you to hurt because of him."
"Jonas showed me a way." She said. "I can kill him, I know it."
"How?" He asked.
"Are you sure you want to know?" She countered.
"Maybe it's best I don't."
"So, who'd Elena's necklace belong to?"
"A witch I once knew. It was her talisman. When she died, her daughter inherited it. She couldn't do magic, but it was something of her mother's. I just hadn't realised it was lost." He said.
"I should get home, make sure the house hasn't burnt down." He said.
"Go, I totally took over your family time."
"It's okay. We talked and weren't really doing anything. Actually we were watching a movie when you called, which I don't think I've thanked you for yet." He leaned in, whispering in her ear, "I can't handle watching titanic again."
"But titanic's my favourite." She said with a laugh.
"Is it really? Because I might have to update your movie selection."
"Nah." She said. "I'm kidding. My favourite movie is- actually I don't really have a favourite. We usually watch Caroline's favourites."
"Well, that's a shame." He said. "Movie night, tomorrow?"
"Oof, tomorrow's part one of the killing Klaus plan." She said.
"Just promise me you won't do anything that might take you out in the process?"
"I can come by in the evening?" She said, choosing not to answer his question.
"Bonnie..." He said warningly.
"She's my best friend. I'll do anything, and if I die taking him out, then I die. Because I won't stand by as he sacrifices her to get stronger." She said. "So please let's not talk about it."
"I don't want to watch you die."
"It's not up to you." She said.
"You make it hard not to interfere." He let out a sigh.
"Yeah, well, you've got Xavier and Lex to consider. Also the fact that Klaus is your-"
"He's not my brother." He cut her off. "Please don't call him that."
"You care about him."
"No, I really don't. I just don't want to kill him."
"Because you don't want him dead."
"If he died, I don't think I'd mourn him, but I wouldn't be rejoicing either." He said. "I'll call you tomorrow."
"Sure. Pick out the best movies, and you can expand my tastes." She smiled. He gave her a quick peck one last time, before heading back to his car.

Bonnie walked back into her house. It was dark, and kind of lonely. She went up to her room, and sat on her bed calling Elena to let her know she got home. There was a knock on her door and she went downstairs, to see Xavier at her door.
"Xavier?" She frowned, confused.
"Can I come in?" He asked. She opened the door wider to let him through.
"What's up? Is Ark okay?"
"He's fine." Xavier said, walking through the house. She stood at the door, before deciding to close it, and follow him to the kitchen.
"What's going on?"
"I know Ark says he doesn't want anything to do with the whole Klaus fight, but if you guys are really serious about taking him down, then you're going to need all the help you can get."
"It's okay. He's got his reasons."
"That's true. That's why he can't know."
"Can't know what?"
"Lex and I are gonna help you guys take him down. Klaus has been tormenting Ark for centuries, refusing him happiness. I won't let him take it away this time."
"No." Bonnie said.
"Lex and I are pretty powerful. You need all the help you can get."
"Good for you, but the answers still no. You said it yourself. Klaus has been tormenting Ark for centuries. If anything happens to you or Lex, what do you think that'd do to him?"
"What do you think it would do to Ark if he lost you? Ark's very guarded with his heart. If you're going to take down Klaus, you're going to need more power than what you've got. So Lex and I will help you and we can kill him once and for all."
"I can't let you guys get involved."
"It's cute you're getting all protective but you're not our stepmom just yet, and I'm, like, two years older than you." Xavier chuckled, and she sent him a glare. "Look, this is our choice. You don't even know the half of what he's done to Ark. Any time he's gotten away from all of Klaus's drama, Klaus retaliated. He has an issue with his family being happy without him."
"You make a good case, but I still can't accept your help. Ark doesn't want you involved. I can't ask him to risk your lives and I sure as hell can't ask you guys to."
"Well you're not asking. We're offering."
"Answers still no, Xavier." Bonnie shook her head. "Go home."
"How are you going to kill Klaus without your magic?"
"We have a plan."
"What plan?"
"A plan you're not a part of. I'm not letting you risk your life." Bonnie said. "So go home."
"Or I can come at this from a different angle." Xavier walked to the door. Bonnie folded her arms.
"Xavier, stay out of it. Or I'm going to Ark."
"I'd rather he didn't know, but he can't stop us." Xavier sent her a mock salute and walked out. She let out a sigh, and closed the door.
"Stepmom?" She scoffed. "No way." She shook her head.

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