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Arkyn met up with Bonnie the next day. He invited her over to his house, and Alexis and Xavier promised not to interrupt until dinner.
"I'm glad you made it." He greeted.
"You promised me answers." She folded her arms.
"That I did." He kissed her cheek, and ushered her into the house, closing the door.
"Big house." She noted.
"Old habits die hard, I guess." He shrugged and walked through to the living room, gesturing for her to sit on a chair by the fireplace. "Where would you like me to begin?"
"How did you become a vampire?"
"I told you I had two siblings who died before we turned, right?"
"You barely mentioned them."
"I never knew Freya. She was our older sister, and she died years before I was born. Finn- my oldest brother was the only one who knew her. Who met her." He started, getting two bottles of water. He held one out to her and she took it. "Things were okay when we were human. We were a typical family, you know? Too many of us for us all to get along. Finn was always the prodigal son. He was strong like my dad, but always there to help our mother. But there was too much of an age difference for he and I to ever connect. Then there was Elijah, who seemed to follow in his footsteps, only he cared for Klaus and Rebekah- never had time to bother with the rest of us."
"Elena seems to think that your brother is legit."
"He has a way with words, I'll give him that. He prefers diplomacy but isn't above getting his hands dirty."
"You really don't like him."
"We've had our... differences." Arkyn said, not wanting to delve into the complicated relations between he and his brother.
"You don't trust him?"
"I don't really trust many people."
"Do you trust me?" She asked.
"Yes." He said. "I don't know why, but I trust you with my life."
"You haven't known me long. I haven't known you long." She paused. "If it's any consolation. I trust you too."
"You act as thought my trust in you is a bad thing."
"Like I said. You haven't known me long. Will you continue with your story?" She asked and he nodded.
"After Elijah is Klaus. When we were human, I liked him well enough. But our father hated and abused him. There really wasn't a reason. He just did. It's why Elijah always felt like Klaus was his responsibility to look after. He always made sure Klaus had a smile on his face. Always helped clean up his cuts. Both he and Rebekah were always trying to make him feel loved. Which of course was a good thing. But he still never gave anyone else the time of day. I remember always trying to be part of their family within the family but there was no space. So I stopped trying. I gave up on being one of them. Klaus never really cared much about the rest of us either. Then there was Kol."
"You told me about him. He's your favourite." She stated and Arkyn nodded, with a smile.
"He always used his magic for mischief, and he often pretended he needed my help just to make me feel included. He loved pranking Elijah and Finn most of all- said they were too uptight."
"He sounds like fun."
"He was. He was always there for me, even when he was an ass, I could always count on him."
"Where is he? I'd love to meet him, one day." Bonnie said and Arkyn shook his head.
"I'm afraid you wouldn't much like him now. Becoming a vampire changed him, as it did all my siblings."
"How much?"
"Kol's magic was part of him. He'd had it all his life. When we turned, his connection to nature, the beauty of life was replaced with a terrible thirst and hunger. He tried to hide it, but it took it's toll."
"So he lost his mind?"
"Not exactly. He just found killing people to be his way to deal." Arkyn looked at his bottle and took a gulp. "Then was Rebekah and I. You already know she and I were never very close, but I do love her. Always have, even if she never realised. Still we had our moments, every once in a while. And after me was Henrik. This is the part of the story you've been waiting for."
"What do you mean?"
"Henrik was the youngest, beloved by all. He was the only one of us who got along with everyone. He was funny, kind, smart. And then, one day he and Klaus went to go watch the werewolves turn on a full moon. The wolves have never been able to control themselves. It's part of their curse."
"The sun and moon curse?"
"Don't ask me about the curse, please." He said and she nodded. "The wolves have never been able to control themselves. When they turn, they're no longer human. So, that night my brothers went out, they killed Henrik. We were all upset, my parents were the most. They'd already lost a child. My father forced my mother to find a spell to protect us from death. Something that would make us stronger and faster than all the wolves. My mother used the vampirism spell and that is how we were turned."
"Vampires started with a witch?"
"What else would be powerful enough?"
"I assumed they just appeared. I don't know."
"It was the actions of a heartbroken witch."
"What happened to your mom?"
"My father killed her. He'd found out she'd cheated on him, and got angry." Arkyn explained.
"Why don't you want Klaus dead?"
"As much as I hate all my siblings, a part of me will always care for them."
"But they're evil."
"I know that better than anybody. Trust me. I can renounce them as family. Claim that I want nothing to do with them. I can hate them all I want. But I'm always going to long for the people they were as humans."
"Why does Elijah think he can convince you to help him?"
"Because I haven't exactly kept quiet about what I think of Klaus. And the fact that I've conspired against him before."
"You tried to kill Klaus before?"
"Not me exactly. I aimed the weapon."
"So you hate your siblings, but you don't want them dead?"
"It's not that simple. My siblings, especially Klaus and Elijah have made me suffer like you couldn't believe. I... I once decided I wanted to go my own way. They didn't let me. Sometimes I wish I could kill just them myself, but I can't. Klaus might be the most monstrous, but any idea of killing any of them leaves me with this.. this sinking feeling. They might be monsters, but what kind of monster would I be if I could kill my own family, you know?"
"You're not a monster," Bonnie assured.
"I could become one easily, Bonnie."
"I don't think you could." She shook her head.
"How are you so sure?"
"Because you care too much. I will do whatever I have to to save Elena. Even if that means facing Klaus. I don't want to put you in the position of having to choose. You should never have to choose."
"Don't listen to Elijah, Bonnie. Your grams wouldn't want you to." He pleaded.
"My grams would want me to keep my friend safe."
"You could do that without listening to Elijah. There's no reason for Klaus to find out about Elena."
"You found out about her. Elijah found out about her. Klaus probably will too."
"No. I stumbled across her. I came here for a new start, not for the doppelgänger."
"Elena's already got a deal with Elijah. If push comes to shove, I'm going to help her."
"I can't ask you not to." Arkyn sighed. Xavier walked in.
"Dinner's ready. You guys coming?"

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