Chapter 1 - Cybermen

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Chapter 1 - Cybermen

Madison's P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep

There it is. The usual sound of my alarm. But not any normal alarm. My Alien alarm. The alarm that tells me when somebody or something may need my help with dangerous aliens.

Thats me. An alien posing as a human living on Earth, while saving other planets from other alien threats. Simple life, right?

I'm Madison by the way. Madison Lauren Kristin Brown, Maddy for short. I'm an alien. A Time lord to be exact.

I've heard the stories of another Time Lord, who saves the universe millions of times. I've never met him but I'm not sure I want to. Some people describe him as their Saviour. The man who saved their civilization from the demons in the sky. The demons who would have wiped away their lives from the universe if it wasn't for this man. Yet other races speak of him as if he was the demon. Saying he was the destroyer of their worlds.

The oncoming storm.

I currently live on Earth, alone. On Earth I'm 19 but my real age is 873. I'm on my 6th regeneration and if I'm being honest, it's my favorite one! I'm 5'8 foot tall, have a slim figure but I'm still very strong. I have long blond hair, which reaches my waist and light blue eyes.

Anyway, back to the present day. As the beeping got louder, my eyes fluttered open to reveal my shadow covered room. I looked over at my clock. 4:18 am. Wow, aliens clearly don't understand the concept of sleep!

"Just one full night sleep! One night that's all I ask." I mumbled, before throwing back the covers and sitting up in bed.

I stretched my arms out and got out of bed. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit. Tight black leggings, a red and white stripped top and a white jumper over the top. Also my black belt which holds all my weapons and medical stuff.

After I got dressed I ran downstairs to the living room table to see my teleport flashing and still beeping. I picked it up and pressed the round button, which gave me the information about my latest mission.

'Planet - Earth' It read.

'Wow, a mission at home for once. Makes a change!' I chuckled, as I scrolled through the information in front of me. But two words made me stop.

'Alien - Cybermen'

'Oh great! My favorite!' I said quietly.

I walked over to the cupboard and opened it up to reveal all my alien equipment. I ran my finger along the labels until I reached one that read 'Cybermen'. I pulled out a few metal tubes and stuffed them inside my belt, along with two of my guns, before I walked back to the table and picked my teleport. I quickly looked around my house, giving it all a silent goodbye. Like I did every time encase I didn't return. I checked I had everything one last time and then presses the teleport button. Sending me away somewhere else in a bright, white flash.

~~Meanwhile In The TARDIS~~

The Doctor's P.O.V

"DOCTOR!" The Scottish voice screamed.

The TARDIS had suddenly taken flight, causing mayhem aboard the ship. I was holding on to the console, trying to stop her from flying. I turned around to see to see Amy holding on to the bars, while she was hoisted in the air. Rory was by the seat, reaching out his free hand to his wife in despair.

"Amy! Whatever you do hold on!" I shouted back at her.

"No, really? I was thinking of letting go!" She yelled back at me, annoyance clear in her voice.

I struggled around the console, pulling and pushing anything I could. I pulled down the final red lever and TARDIS came to an abrupt holt. The TARDIS landed on the ground with large bang and I was thrown back onto the hard, clear floor. I rolled over to see Amy sat on the floor, with Rory's arm around her. I gave her a small smile and she returned it, while Rory checked her over for any broken bones. I stood up and pulled the scanner around to me.

"Ummm, Doctor. What happened?" Amy asked me.

"Something made the TARDIS fly. Back to Earth, Paris to be exact." I explained, still confused myself.

"But what and why?"

"I don't know. Anyway, are you two alright?" I asked, walking over to them.

"We're both fine. Now tell us what's going on!" Amy demanded, standing up to face me.

"I already told you, I don't know!" I replied walking over to the door.

"Don't lie to me, Doctor! You always lie to us and look how well it always turns out!" She stated standing in front of the door, blocking my way.

"I'm not lying! I genuinely don't know! Gosh, why does everybody think I know all the answers!"

"Because you usually act like you do!" Rory said, joining in the argument.

"Well, this time I don't! Ok? Now if you'll excuse me, Ponds, I was brought here for a reason and I intend to find out why." I told her, moving her out the way.

"Wait. What if it's dangerous?" She asked me, putting her hand on the door.

"Amy, it's Earth out there! I promise you nothing dangerous at all will be outside that door!" I said pushing away her hand and stepping out the door backwards. I saw the pair staring behind me and I turned around to see a metal hand pointing at my face.

"YOU ARE THE DOCTOR! YOU WILL BE DELETED!" The Cyberman said to me, preparing it's gun.

"Ah! Amy, you know when I said there would be nothing dangerous outside?" I asked her.


"Well, I was wrong!" I said, laughing nervously.


A.N Hello! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll try and either update later or tomorrow! Please do Vote, comment and share the story and if you enjoy the story please do fan me! Thank you!! Happy Reading!! :D

My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora