Chapter 17 - Sontar-Ha-Ha-Ha!

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Chapter 17 - Sontar-Ha-Ha-Ha!

The Doctor's P.O.V.

"Maddy!" I yelled, running to her side. "What did you do that for?"

"She mocked the Sontarans. She will sleep forever." A Sontaran cried.

"What do you mean sleep forever? What have you done to her?" Rory shouted, standing by us.

"That was Sontaran sleep gas. One shot and it shuts down your internal organs straight away. Soon the human shall be dead!" They all laughed. I looked from the Sontarans to where Maddy was supposed to be lead, only to see she has disappeared.

"Madison! Maddy where are you? Sontarans, what have you done with her?" I yelled in panic.

"We have done nothing. Maybe the female crawled away to die."

"If you've taken her away from me, Sontarans, I will make you pay. Where. Is. She. "

"Sorry, where you looking for me? It's just when you shouted Madison, I didn't know if you were talking about me or someone else!" Maddy shouted, from the other side of the room. We all turned and looked at her in shock as she flashed an innocent smile at us.

"But... how... what?" I stuttered.

"Pardon? Sorry, you're going to have to speak louder! I can't hear you over the humming of the engines!" She yelled, dramatically signing with her hands.

"I SAID. HOW. DID. YOU. GET. THERE!" I screamed, pointing over to where she was leaning against what appeared to be a control panel.



"WHAT? HANG ON. LET ME JUST DO SOMETHING!" She screamed, before turning away. She started moving her hands around, flicking and pressing buttons. Suddenly the loud humming noise stopped and the Sontarans looked around in confusion.

"What have you done?" A Sontaran shouted.

"Nothing. What have you done?" She challenged.

"We have done nothing!"

"So nobody has done anything? Well, aren't we all just a bit lazy today! Should we do something?" She asked everyone.

"I'm not sure. Maddy, are you feeling alright?" I asked, walking over to her.

"Me? I'm fine. Superfine! Never been better. Why? Do I not look ok? Tell me I look ok. Speaking of ok. I am. I'm so ok, it's unbelievable. Unbelievable? Woah! That is such a looooooooooooooooong word. Unbelievable! You're unbelievable! Ahahaha." Madison rambled quickly, never stopping to take a breath. 

"Maddy? What's the matter?" I asked. grabbing onto her arms to balance her as she began to sway slightly.

"Noooothiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! I'm absolutely, amazingly, grandly, perfectly fine! Except for the large banging in my head and the black spots that are appearing in my vision. But apart from that I'm feeling great. Hahaha! Doctor, you are so funny!"

"Right, Sontarans. What have you done to her?" I asked, gripping her tighter as she tried to move away.

"We gave the human sleep gas. She should be dead by now. Not laughing!"

"What's wrong with laughing? Laughing is awesome! You guys need to lighten up." Maddy called out, facing and pointing in the opposite direction to where the Sontarans stood.

"Maddy's not human, you giant space potatoes!" I shouted, spinning Madison back around.

"Yeah. You small Earth carrots! Ahahaha! Wow, I'm hungry. Doctor, dear, gimme some food please." She whined, tugging my arm.

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