Chapter 9 - I Just Saved Your Life Again, At Least Give Me A Break!

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Chapter 9 - I just saved your life again, at least give me a break!

The Doctor's P.O.V


“Hello!” She replied, waving at us with her free hand.

“But, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Getting you three out of this prison, what does it look like? Why, did you guys want to stay in here?” She asked, giving us a strange look.

“No! No, of course not! We just didn't expect to see you again.” I said, shocked.


“Because you left us! You tricked us, then ran off and left us to die!” Rory shouted at her.

“What? You actually think I'd leave you lot here, with the Daleks?” She asked, a lot quieter.

“YES! You tell us that your going to help us, save us from the Daleks...” Rory started to shout but he was cut off by Madison.

“I have.” She whispered.

“What?” Rory asked, getting closer Madison.

“I have. I saved you. From the Daleks. There gone now. I stopped them.” She said, never moving her eyes from the ground.

“Madison?” I called out to her. She lifted her head and look straight at me. “Are you alright?” I asked. She nodded at me before she looked back down to the floor.

“I want an apology!” Rory said.

“Rory.” I said, quietly.

“NO! She just left us here! Now, I don't care if the Daleks are gone now! You left us us down here, ready to be killed by Daleks. What would have happened if you had been killed? Huh, what would have happened to us? WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED?” Rory shouted at Madison. I was about to step forward and take Madison away from Rory but instead she spoke up.

“Oh SHUT UP!” She shouted.

“Excuse me?” Rory asked, in confusion.

“You heard me! Oh, Madison, I want an apology! Yeah, well here it is. I'm sorry! I'm sorry for leaving you down here, where it was safer than being in a room full of Daleks! I'm sorry for leaving you here while I ran around killing off Daleks, who were about to destroy the planet and kill of the human race and any other life forms n the universe. So, Rory, I'm sorry for saving yours and everybody's lives in the universe for the millionth time!” Madison shouted, before turning around and walking away.

“Madison wait!”I shouted running after her. As I left the room I “accidentally” bumped into Rory's shoulder. How could he be so stupid? I know Madison left us there but she always meant well. After running for a while I still couldn't find her, until I heard crying. I turned around to see Madison sat down hugging her knees. I sat down beside her and put my arm around her. After hesitating, she rested her had on my chest and cried into it.

“Shhh, now. It's alright!”I whispered, kissing her head.

“I..I was c..coming back f...for you a.all. I promise.” She choked out

“Hey, I knew you were. Just ignore Rory, we all do!” I said. She gave a small laugh and snuggled into my chest.

“I am sorry, you know! I didn't mean to leave you there. It's just the last time I almost killed them, you lot sort of got in the way!” She said, laughing. I laughed along with her until my question ruined it all.

“Who are you Madison?” I asked. She gave a small laugh before pushing way from me and standing up.

“Is that all you care about? Who I really am? I just saved your life again Doctor, at least give me a break?” She asked, wiping away her tears.

“No, of course not! I just wanted to... to...see who saved my life.” I stuttered, walking closer to her.

“No you don't! You want to know my name so you can search the Earth for me! Then take me away with you!” Madison shouted, walking away from me.

“Earth? So your human then?” I asked.

“Yes! Human, what else?” She asked, as if I was asking stupid question.

“Well you know a lot about aliens, for a human. So I was just wondering.”

“Well, I'm good at alien stuff! Brown. Madison Brown.” She said.


“It's my name. Madison Lauren Kristin Brown. But everybody calls me Maddy.” She explained, starting to tap away at the teleport on her wrist.

“Nice to meet you Madison Lauren Kristin Brown! I'm The Doctor.” I said, holding out my hand. Which she ignored.

“I already know who you are and now you know who I am. So why don't you run back to your ship and do your little human search on me! But don't blame me, if you don't find anything!” She shouted, placing her hand on the teleport.

“Maddy, no! Don't leave!” I shouted, moving towards her.

“Goodbye Doctor!” She whispered, before smashing her hand down onto the teleport.

“NO!” I shouted, running into the space she once filled.

“Doctor? Doctor where are you?” I heard Amy shout, from down the hall.

I'm down here Amy!” I called back. Soon enough they were by my side and looking around for Maddy.

“So? Where is she?” Rory asked me.

“She's gone! Gone back home after crying her eyes out to my shoulder! Why Rory? Why did you shout at her like that? We nearly had her on our side!” I yelled into Rory's face.

"Doctor? Doctor, just leave it! Rory's sorry, he didn't mean it. Did you Rory?" Amy said, pulling my arm back.

"No." Rory said, staring deep into my eyes.

"Come on, back to the TARDIS. We've got a Madison Lauren Kristin Brown to look for!" I said, walking away from the pair and towards the TARDIS.  

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