Chapter 18 - We're Here To Save You Using....Spoons?

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Chapter 18 - We're Here To Save Your Using....Spoons?

Madison's P.O.V.

“They'll only be 4 almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey!” I sung, to the tune of 'Green Bottles Hanging On The Wall.'

The Doctor had been walking, with me still on his shoulder, for ages now! Left foot, right foot. Left foot, right foot. It's like he's going in a pattern! I still had the view of his bum though! So there was an up side. I honestly think The Doctor, or The Heart Breaker, was enjoying my singing! I was awfully good! Oh goodie, time for another verse! This one is for The Doctor!

“There was three almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey! Three almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey! But if one almighty Time Lord, should get exterminated by a Dalek! They'll only be two almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey!” I sung, as loud as I could.

Yeah, judging by The Doctor's face, he loves my singing!

The Doctor's P.O.V.

I hated her singing.

If she sings one more time, I'm going to leave her here! We had been walking for nearly an hour now, and all she had done was sing! And talk mental rubbish. Please, please don't sing again!

“There was three almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey! Three almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey! But if one almighty Time Lord, should get exterminated by a Dalek! They'll only be two almighty Time Lords, chilling out on Gallifrey!” She sung, louder than she had before.

“Right! Enough is enough!” I shouted, placing her down on the floor.

“Ahhh! I'm falling! I'm falling!” She screamed, waving her arms around.

“Madison, your not falling! Just sit still and listen.” I told her, leaning down to eye contact with her.

“Don't get too close to me! You could be dangerous!” She said, whispering the last part.

“Ahhh! Maddy, just SHUT UP!”

“Alright! No need to get moody!” She snapped, crossing her arms.

“I need to you stay here. Don't move. Don't speak. Don't do anything! Is that understood?” I commanded.

She sat staring at me for a while, as if she was thinking of something smart. She clearly wasn't.

“Is your real name Bruno? Because you look like a Bruno! Or a David. Or a Chris! But not a Matt! No, you could never pull of Matt! Please say your name is Bruno! Please!” She begged, holding my arm.

“If I say yes, will you stay here and keep quiet?” I asked, impatiently.


“Then yes, my name is....Bruno.”

“Ekkkk! I knew it!” She squealed.

“Right, I'm going now! Stay here and do not make much noise!” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Ok! I will keep quiet” She whispered, moving her fingers across her lips as if there was a zip.

“Good girl. Byebye.” I whispered back, patting her arm before walking away.

I started to walk down the long, dark corridor and had managed to get round the corner, before I heard her shouting.

“BRUNO! BRUNO! Bruno, where have you gone?” She shouted. I poked my head around the corner to see she had followed me.

“Maddy, I told you to stay there!”

“And I told you, your bow tie looked like a cat!”

“Whats that got to do with it? I asked, standing in front of her.

My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now