Chapter 20 - Madison Brown, Welcome To Your Doom?

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Chapter 20 - Madison Brown, Welcome To Your Doom?

Madison's P.O.V.

“This isn't funny you know!” I yelled.

The Doctor had caught me. He punished me for popping his bouncy house. I was cello-taped to the TARDIS door.

“Really? Because we're finding this very funny!” The Doctor shouted, as the three of them were doubled over in laughter.

“Yeah, so so funny! Can I get down now?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“Umm, in a minute. Just one thing first.” The Doctor replied, walking down to me.

“Wh..what are you doing...Doctor...NO....AHHH!” I screamed, as he shut the doors. So I was cello-tapped to the outside door of the TARDIS. Oh, did I forget to mention? WE'RE FLYING IN SPACE!

“You alright out there Madison?” I heard The Doctor shout.

“Oh yes! I'm just having a swell time!” I replied, sarcastically.

“Oh good, you can just stay out there then!” Rory shouted, through the laughter.

“No! No, I won't! Ahh! Doctor! I'm slipping!” I yelled, pretending to be in danger.

“No, you're not Maddy! I know you're not!”

“AHH! DOCTOR HELP! AHHHHhhhhhh.......” I screamed, getting quieter to sound like I had fallen.

“Madison? Maddy, this isn't funny!” He shouted. I stayed silent, trying not to laugh

at The Doctor's concern. “MADISON!” The doors suddenly flung open and some how The Doctor didn't see me. He looked straight down into space, in search of me falling.


“No! MADDY! Where are you?” He yelled, still looking into space.

“Doctor....” I tried again.


“DOCTOR!” I yelled, as I started to get down from the door.

“Not now Madison! I'm trying to find Maddy!” He yelled at me. I let out a sigh at his stupidity, as I jumped to the ground from the cello-taped door.

“And in” I counted, as The Doctor turned to face me.

“Ohh, you!” He scolded.

“Ohh, me!” I laughed, walking to the TARDIS console. The Doctor ran past me and  as he did, he ripped off some cello-tape from my arm, causing me to yelp out in pain. “Idiot!” I mumbled.

“Heard that!” He shouted, as he fiddled with the console.

“You were meant too! Anyway, what are we doing next?” I asked, slumping down onto a seat .

“We? Coming with us are you?” The Doctor asked, giving me a smug smile.

“Well you were planning on inviting me!”

“How did you know that?” Amy asked, sitting next to me.

“You really think I spent all that time with food and bouncy houses?” I asked, as Rory sat on the other side of me.

“So my bouncy house is ok?” The Doctor asked, hopefully.

“Urr, haha, no. Sorry!” I apologized.

“Idiotl!” He mumbled, turning back to the console.

“Heard that!”

“You were meant too!” He replied, in a girlie voice.

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