Chapter 13 - Is A Trip In A TARDIS Enough To Say Sorry?

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Chapter 13 - Is A Trip In A TARDIS Enough To Say Sorry?

The Doctor's P.O.V

She just led there. Unconscious. Every now and then she would get restless but I just had to place a hand on her arm and she would be ok. After she had passed out we moved her near a window, where it was warm, and made sure she was warm. She was lent up against the wall,wrapped up in my jacket and a blanket one of UNIT had brought. Martha had refused to let us take her home, as she was afraid of me finding stuff out about her.

So here I was. Sat watching a passed out girl on the floor. Who may love me. Love. How could she? I didn't believe she did but she looked scared when Martha said it to me. Really scared. Then she passed out. Maybe she did love me.

Amy and Rory hadn't really spoken to me. Rory hadn't spoken to me since I got us locked in that room. And Amy had been avoiding me since my argument with Maddy and Martha.

I was such an idiot. Why did I shout all that stuff? To be honest, I was jealous of her. She could save us all and still make a joke about it all during it! Something I could never do. She was better than me. Completely better. I needed to make it up to her. A trip in the TARDIS? Is a trip in the TARDIS enough to say sorry? I hoped so. If I ever found the TARDIS.

"Ow, my head." She mumbled. I snapped my eyes to her, to see she had woken up. She sat up rubbing the left side of her head. "What happened?"

"You passed out." I whispered.


"I don't know. Do you want Martha?" I asked, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah." she mumbled quietly. I gave her a small smile before standing up and walking over to Martha and Colonel James.

"She's awake." I told them.

"Good, thanks. James, you and the boys can leave if you want." Martha said.

"I think we'd rather stay, if that's alright. Just in case there are more Angels here."

"Fine. I'll be over with Maddy." Martha replied, walking over to where Madison was. I was about to start speaking to James but one of the soldiers came running in.

"Sir! We've found the blue box! It was in one of the back rooms." He called out.

"Ah! That will be mine. Amy, Rory, the TARDIS awaits you!" I called, spinning n my heels.

"Are you not coming?" Rory asked, as he and Amy walked over.

"I'll be there in a minutes. Just got to sort something out." I explained, giving them a small smile.

"Alright, just don't start again alright." Amy said, returning the smile. I watched them link hands and walk away to where the TARDIS was. Once they were gone, I started to make my way back over to Madison.

Madison's P.O.V

"Then he said 'Is that true?' and then you passed out." Martha said, filling me in with what happened.

"You told him?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I did. I'm really sorry Maddy. It just slipped out! Its just when he was shouting and he wouldn't shut up! It was just so...."

"Martha! Shut up! I don't care if he knows. I'm not that keen on him now, since he called me a lier and shouted at us anyway." I laughed, cutting her off.

"Are you sure your fine with it? I am sorry." Martha apologized again. I rolled my eyes at her, before grabbing her hand to pull my self up.

"Martha, I am fine! Now, stop apologizing and hug me!" I commanded, pulling her into a hug. I smiled into her shoulder before looking up and letting my smile fade into an angered looked. I pulled away from Martha and backed down against the wall. I felt the cold, rough wall travel up my back, as I slid down to the ground. I looked away as he continued to walk over to me and Martha. I felt tears fill inside my eyes as previous feelings and swapped words returned to my mind. I blinked them away as I felt the presence of another body beside me. We sat in silence, while our brains tried to think of something to break the ice.

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