Chapter 33 - Epilogue

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Chapter 33 - Epilogue

The Doctor's P.O.V.

I was alone.

Once again, I was on my own. Stuck here forever. She was gone. Her whole family had gone. And it was all my fault.

I had got Rose and her family killed.

So this was me now. The part human, part Time Lord stuck in the parallel world. Sat on the beach of Bad Wolf Bay, Norway.

The place I had lost her the first time. Then got her back. The thought of being able to grow old with Rose Tyler and her family, made my heart flutter round like a butterfly. But then it had to end again.

The thought of her made the tears fall from my eyes again. As I thought about my future.

My lonely future.

I rested my elbows against my legs, as they dangled off the edge of the rocks. I placed my head in my hands as I closed my eyes shut. In hope of forgetting for just one moment. I lost my hope. Closing my eyes just brought back memories.

*Start Of Flashback*

"ROSE!" I screamed, looking around at the burning room.

"DOCTOR! Where are you?" She yelled back.

"I'm by the doors! Hurry Rose! We need to get out!" I shouted, coughing as the smoke surrounded me.

"DOCTOR! I can't leave!" She replied, as she pushed her way through to me.

"Rose, we need to go now! I'm sorry! We have too or we'll die!" I begged, clutching her hand.

"But mum and dad! Doctor we can't just leave them!" She cried, trying to pull us back inside.

"I'm sorry Rose! I'm so sorry! But their gone. We can't save them!"

"Doctor. Please! They can't be dead! We have to help them!" She yelled, as tears fell from her eyes.

"Rose. You know they are! We saw them.....die. I am really so sorry! We have to go before the same happens to us!" I shouted, pulling her towards to doors.

"ROSE!" A child's voice shouted.

"Tony? TONY!" Rose screamed, pulling her hand from mine.

"ROSE NO!" I shouted, as she ran off into the smoke.

I ran. I ran into the smoke, in hope of finding my Rose again.

I never did.

The burning room soon became to much for me and I collapsed to the floor. My eyes began to shut, but before they did I heard one last thing.


Followed by a scream.

Rose's scream.


"I'm very sorry, sir."

"Why? What are you sorry about?" I asked.

"Miss Tyler and her family all died inside the house which was on fire. I'm afraid the alien threat got to them first. I'm truly sorry for your lost, sir."

*End Of Flashback*

I snapped my eyes open when it all became to much. The realization that Rose was gone broke my heart.

After the news broke, I did the only thing I was good at.

I ran.

I ran further and further, until my legs burnt with pain. When I couldn't run anymore, I used the vortex manipulator me and Rose had made, while working at Torchwood. I arrived here at Bad Wolf Bay. I slumped against the cliffs, as I let the tears and screams rip out from inside me.

I was lost inside. I always would be without her now. She was the only thing I had left.

There was no point of me being here now.

I made a stupid decision inside my head and once there was a plan inside there, there was no going back. I turned and climbed the rocks. I climbed higher and higher until I reached the top. I stood over the edge of the cliff, looking down at my impeccable doom. I closed my eyes and was about to jump, when something stopped me.

A loud alarm bell started to ring out of nowhere. It became louder and louder, as I opened my eyes and looked around for the noise. It sounded like it was coming from the beach. Then suddenly it stopped. And a bright, white light took over. It shone around the beach, as I shielded my eyes from the light.

The light soon disappeared and I stood looking down at the beach. I couldn't see anything strange but my gut feeling started to kick in and before I knew it, I was running down the cliff side. I tried not to trip as I stumbled down onto the beach.

I stood on the stop, spinning in circles before running to a new spot and doing the same. I couldn't see anything unnatural around me and was about to give up and walk away. But something caught my eye.

Something was laying in the sand, near where I was before. I ran quickly over to the thing, it becoming more obvious what it was. It was a human girl.

Once I reached the girl, I crouched down next to her and checked for any vital signs. There were none. The girl was dead. I sighed, as I sat down next to her. Too many deaths today. Too many.

Suddenly the girl next to be shot up and started gasping for air. I sat back a little as she gave me shocked look.

"Hello." I said, looking at her weirdly.

"Where am I?" She asked, standing up.

"Bad Wolf Bay. In Norway." I replied, standing up too.

"NORWAY! Why am I in Norway? Why am I alive?" She yelled, mumbling the last bit.

"I don't know. But you were dead a minute ago. Are you alright?" I asked, moving closer to her.

"Yeah fine. But I'm alive! I died. I know I did. I was there! Sorry, I'm probably sounding really strange." She apologized, giving me a weak smile.

"Believe me, I've heard stranger! Do you know how you got here?"

"No idea! Don't even know why I'm alive! Sorry, but who are you?" She inquired, looking me up and down.

"I'm The Doctor. And you?" I asked.

"What? Is this some sort of sick joke? You're not The Doctor! You look nothing like him!" She yelled, stepping back a bit.

"Honestly! I am The Doctor! You might have known a different version of me! Who are you?" I asked again.

"I am not suppose to be here! I am meant to be dead! DOCTOR! I need you! PLEASE!" She yelled, looking up at the sky.

"Right! Stop this! Tell me now! Who. Are . You?" I demanded, holding her shoulders.

"I'm Madison. Madison Brown!"


*12th january 2013* THE SEQUEL IS NOW UP! GO CHECK IT OUT!! :)

I started this book back on the 21st of August 2012 and I'm posting the final chapter on the 29th October 2012! As I'm posting this I've finished writing this book with 8,436 reads, 255 vote and 228 comments! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH! I HONESTLY CAN'T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH FOR THIS! I NEVER EVER EXPECTED TO GET THIS FAR!

SPECIAL THANKS TO: oliviamiller698, unicornpoop17, TheDoctorsStar, RoseTyler200 and kritinmo for putting up with me during this and for your amazing comments! YOU GUYS MEAN THE WORLD TO ME ON THIS! :D

Please do remember to vote and comment! As it is the last chapter! Please do share the story with others and fan me! Thank you!


-Keep on smiling and Happy reading!



-Danielle! :D ;) xx

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