Chapter 26 - Our Last Argument?

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Chapter 26 - Our Last Argument?

Madison's P.O.V.

"Take me home. NOW!" I yelled, pushing past the clueless Doctor.

"Madison....Please!" He called after me, as I ran down to the corridor to the console room.

I had made up my mind. I was leaving. Leaving him before I got hurt even more. The feeling of heart break with him before compared nothing to this feeling now. To have somebody just appear in your life and be amazing. To grant you the stars at the flick of a switch. To be so great you fall in love with them. To have them say it back after so long.

Then to have that taken away in a matter of minutes. That's the worst thing to do to somebody who was in love. Take it all away from them.

And that's what happened to me. And I wasn't going to stand aside and let it all happen over and over. I was taking a stand. I would say no to The Doctor. Unlike all the others.

I reached the console room and sat on the lower set of stairs. I made sure all tears and smudged make-up was erased from my face, before he could see me again. I heard his foot steps echo around the silent room, followed by his sigh of sadness.

Sadness. Why was he sad? He had his perfect life. His perfect friends. His perfect wife. I grinded my teeth together, as the thought of his wife.

"Madison. Maddy, please. I'm sorry. Please Madison! Just talk to me!" He begged, walking up behind me.

"I have nothing to say to you." I whispered, my voice coming out strained.

"Maddy! I'm sorry! I am so sorry! I lov...."

"Don't even finish that sentence! I don't like being lied to!" I said angrily, cutting him off.

"I'm not lying! Madison, I honestly love you!" He said, walking even closer behind me.

"Stop it." I said quietly, looking down to the floor.

"I know I said I didn't but I really do!" He continued, still getting ever closer to me.

"Doctor. Stop it." I begged again, as he stopped on the step behind me.

"I love you Madison! I always have and always will! Please Maddy! Understand it! I. Love. You!"

"STOP IT! Just stop it!" I yelled, standing and turning to face him. "I don't want to speak to you! So stop lying and speaking to me all together! I hate you!" I cried, close to letting the tears.


"No! Don't ok! Just leave me alone. Now and forever! Just please take me home and never see me again!" I shouted, sitting back down on the stairs.

"Running away from me isn't going to fix this!" He argued, stepping down in front of me.

"Oh, because you don't run away from anything! Do you, Doctor? And maybe I don't want to fix this! Maybe I just want to go back to Earth and try to start a new life! One away from you." I replied, getting quieter as I went on.

"We need to fix this Maddy! Just please hear me out!" He begged, crouching down in front of me.

"No. Just go fly the TARDIS back to Earth, before I do!" I warned, never looking him in the eye.

"Madison! Just stop and listen to me! We need to talk!" He shouted, as I stood up and started to walk towards the console.

"There is nothing to talk about. I met you and fell in love with you. You then told me you loved me back and made me your 'girlfriend'. And then I find out your married! You just lie and lie to me! We have nothing to say to one another! So just drop it and go back to your perfect life!" I yelled, as the tears spilled over.

My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang