Chapter 16 - We Need You!

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Chapter 16 - We Need You!

Madison's P.O.V

I slammed the TARDIS door shut and looked around where I was. My home street. I was at the other end of road to my house. A whooshing noise filled the air, as I turned around to see the TARDIS slowly fading away. I gave out a small laugh as it completely disappeared. I turned away and started to walk off back to my house, occasionally glancing over my shoulder to see if the TARDIS was back. It wasn't.

I shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket as I strolled down the London road. My feet crunched against the hard, gravel path, as the evening sun shone down over my shoulders. The street was bare of people and cars, which was strange as my road was known for everyday parties. It was all quiet, too quiet. I was almost at my house when a sight I didn't want to see appeared.

U.N.I.T. At my house.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no!” I whispered, as I slowly approached the yellow tape that surrounded my house. People in black uniforms rushed in and out of the doors, holding large guns. I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head, so half my head was covered by the pink material. I casually walked up to the yellow tape and a young-ish looking man with brown hair approached me.

“Excuse me miss. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.” He said, clearly not recognizing me.

“Oh, I'm not here to cause trouble! It's just I live on this street and I was wondering what you were looking for.” I said, putting on a bad northern accent.

“Afraid that's classified information, miss. Anyway, everybody on this street has been evacuated, why are you back here miss?” He asked, moving his gun in his hands.

“Just wanted to see if you needed any help! Isn't that Madison's house your in? IS she alright?”

“You knew Madison, miss? When was the last time you saw her?”

“Umm, now let me think. She disappeared for about a week, with only this one other woman going to her house once or twice. Then last week I saw her running home from the way of St Paul's Cathedral. 10 minutes later she ran out carrying a suitcase. And that was a week ago! I haven't seen her since.” I lied, pulling my hood down further.

“Right, well thank you miss. Your information will be put to good use. Now if you don't mind we are very busy here.” He replied, nodding his head towards my house.

“Ok, glad I could help! Goodbye.” I said, turning away and walking quickly. I quickly walked down the street until I turned down alley way, out of sight. I pulled out my phone and phoned Martha.




“Hello?” Her voice asked.

“Hello? Martha? Are you alright?” I asked, worried by her tone.

“Sorry, who is this?”

“Martha, no please no! Martha, it's me! Its Madison!”

“Madison? Sorry, I don't know anybody by that name. I think you have the wrong number.” She replied.

“No, Martha, you know me! It' me Madison Lauren Kristin Brown! We're great friends. Your married to mickey, who you met after you traveled with The Doctor! Remember The Doctor! Your traveled through the whole of Time and Space with him inside a police box! Please remember Martha! Please!” I begged, on the brink of tears.


“Yes!” I said, hopeful she remembered.

“I'm sorry. But I think you have the wrong number. Goodbye.” She said, hanging up the phone.

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