Chapter 25 - Madison, Meet The Wife!

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Chapter 25 - Madison, Meet The Wife!

Madison's P.O.V

“So where to next? Mars? Zonklana? Jebalarina's?” The Doctor asked, as he pulled me down to TARDIS console as I walked down the steps just coming from the wardrobe.

I had change into a knee length floral dress and a blue denim jacket over the top. The Doctor had changed back into his normal outfit of trousers, shirt, braces, tweed jacket and his red bow tie. How he got changed so fast, I'll never know!

“As long as it's not Earth, I don't care!” I laughed, sitting down on the seat.

“Well, anywhere but Earth it is!” He replied, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Good! Have you taken the lock of Amy and Rory's room?” I asked, as he pulled away.

“Yes! And they should be here in 3...2...1...”

“Whats going on?” Amy asked, as her and Rory walked down the stairs.

“We are going on a trip!” The Doctor explained.

“A trip? Where to?” Rory asked.

“Any where we like! As long as isn't Earth.” He replied.

“Ok then...Maddy! You're all better and changed!” Amy exclaimed, sitting next to me.

“Yeah, I had some regeneration energy stuff left and just healed myself! And my clothes were in a bad way so I just changed into this!” I half lied.

“Well I'm glad you're all ok now!” She smiled, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“Me too!”

“And to be honest, you look a lot better in those clothes! I mean it would be weird if you just came down in bikini!” The Doctor smirked, winking at me. I sent a smile in return, hoping Amy and Rory wouldn't notice.

They did.

“Is there something going on between you two?” Amy asked, raising her eyebrows at us both.

“Us? No. Nothing! Nothing at all!” The Doctor rushed.

“Yeah, nothing.” I said, suspicious of The Doctor's denial. He sent me a quick apologetic look, before turning back to the console.

“So...Where we going?” Rory asked, clapping his hands.

“Not sure! Set the TARDIS to random. Lets see where we're going!” The Doctor replied, giving us his goofy smile.

“Do you mind putting that trip off, dear! I think we all need a catch up.” A woman's voice called out from the doors. We all turned to be faced by woman with large, blonde hair.

“River!” The Doctor, smiled.

“Hello Sweetie!” She smiled back.

“Melody!” Amy and Rory shouted with delight, at the same time.

“Hello Sweeties!” She repeated, beaming a smile in there direction.

“Random person, whose name is either River or Melody, who I don't know!” I said, waving at her so I didn't feel left out.

“Hello. Stranger....sweetie.” She replied, giving me a strange look.

“Melody, what are you doing here?” Amy asked, as she an Rory walked past me to go over to 'Melody'.

“Oh nice to see you too! I needed a catch up with Mummy and Daddy!” She replied, pulling them both into a hug.

“Mummy and Daddy?” I said out loud, but everybody ignored me.

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