Chapter 23 - Loving Secrets For The Living.

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Chapter 23 - Loving Secrets For The Living.

The Doctor's P.O.V.

We needed a plan and fast. The four of us were trapped against the wall by U.N.I.T. and one of us was unconscious! This wasn't turning out to be the best day! I was still clutching Madison's body to my chest, as Colonel James made his way over to us.

“I am going to ask you one more time, before I use force. Give me the girl!” James spat.

“Get your own girl!” I yelled back, before realizing how childish it sounded.

“We have one! Her! Now hand her over Doctor or things will get worse!” He sneered, stepping closer to me.

“You couldn't make this worse in any way!” I shouted, pulling Maddy closer to me.

“Oh really? Boys! Get her!” He shouted, with a smirk.

“No! You keep away from her James!” I yelled, turning slightly so I was shielding her.

I expected the men to force their way to Madison. But I was wrong. They went for Amy. She yelped in shock, as they threw her at James who caught her. He held her close, as he pointed a gun to her head.

“Haha! Seems like you protected the wrong girl Doctor!” James laughed.

“Let her go James! Now!” Rory shouted, reaching out to Amy.

“Ah, ah, ah! Stay still! Lets make a little deal shall we?” James sneered, moving his arm around Amy's waist while he kept his gun close to her head.

“What deal?” Rory spat.

“A girl for a girl. Give us Madison and you can have your lovely red head back!” James jeered, looking fondly at Amy.

“Excuse me Mr. Badass but the red head has a name! And get your hands off me now you little perv!” Amy shouted, wriggling away his arm around her waist.

“Now now, Miss Williams! Don't get rude! We'd hate to see you get hurt.” James said, moving the gun along her face.

“Stop! Doctor give him Madison!” Rory suddenly shouted, causing shock amongst me and Amy.

“Rory...” Amy started.

“No Amy! I want you safe! Doctor. Please! Just give him Madison.” Rory said, turning to me.

“What? Rory. No.” I whisper.

“Excuse me? Doctor, that is my wife being held at gun point! She is still alive! Look at Maddy! She is nearly dead! Please Doctor. Please! I am begging you! Save Amy!” Rory begged, looking from me to Amy.

“You know I can't Rory. I'm sorry.” I replied, looking down at Madison in my arms.

“Your really going to choose her over Amy? Give her too me!” Rory said, holding his arms out.

“No. Rory, no!” I shouted, turning away from him.

“Doctor! Just give me Madison and we can end this!” Rory commanded, walking to me.

“Rory! You can't do this!” I yelled, as I felt tears form in my eyes.

I stumbled backwards away from Rory and fell to the ground, still holding Maddy. I looked up and saw Madison led across my body still. I slowly sat up, while holding her in my arms.

I got the shock of my life when her eyes opened! Her eyes weren't normal though. Sparkling, gold wisps of air shot out of her eyes and floated around her head,as she looked around the room. Her eyes finally caught with mine and she sent me a weak smile.

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