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The rain was pouring hard, but not cats and dogs hard, thankfully. I made a sharp right turn, stepping onto Elana's walkway. She lived closer to the diner than I did. I frantically rang the doorbell and pounded the door with my fist once I made my way to her porch.
She answered, pulling open the door in shock.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Elana exclaimed. Her reflexes were pretty slow despite her shock, but she eventually opened the door enough to let me in.
"You look... wet. Not the good kind of wet," Elana said swiftly, turning around. She was already hurrying off to get a towel.
"Yeah, I had no idea I had to walk home considering I got a ride to the diner," I said loud enough so she could hear me in the other room. I was drenched. I couldn't decide if the heavy, wet denim sticking to my legs was worse than my socks sloshing in my shoes with each movement.
"Here, dry off," Elana tossed me an old and tattered towel which I gratefully used to dry off. It smelled like vanilla and lavender, which I surprisingly liked.
"Mind telling me what happened?"
Elana stood in front of me with her hands on her hips, head cocked, ready to listen.
"Okay, so I was being serious about that prostitute thing last night and this morning Marcus asked me to breakfast. I was in, but then I realized prostitute girl was going with. I call her brunette now, but turns out brunette girl had an engagement ring on. Also, the whole breakfast Marcus barely made eye contact with me and then told me to call him as he left me in the parking lot," I took a deep breath in. I didn't even know my mouth could move that fast.
"That's weird. The whole ring thing is weird too," Elana reached up to scratch her head and push her glasses up on her nose.
"Yeah, really weird. Marcus also only offered to pay for brunette so I had to use one of my last twenties from my profit," The towel did a great job drying off my hair and I felt better instantly.
"You know, Ari, they could just be friends. Since she's a woman, maybe he felt compelled to help her this time," Elana spoke in a matter of fact tone. "So you're saying that when we go out alone, I'm the girl in the relationship?"
I pointed to myself after slumping the towel over my shoulders.
"Shut up, that's not what I mean, idiot."
Elana's arms were now crossed against her chest.
"Do you want me to take you home now?" She grabbed the towel from around my shoulders.
I noticed her breakfast sitting on the table by the couch, along with her tv which was muted.
"Uh yeah, that would be nice. Sorry to interrupt your breakfast," I nodded in the direction of her food.
Elana shrugged her shoulders and yawned at the same time. She tossed the towel onto the floor next to the couch.
"C'mon buddy," She happily said.
Elana started to walk through the kitchen to the garage and I followed her.
I truly felt bad getting her car seat all wet, but she insisted it was okay. Once at home, I pointed out Marcus's car to her before leaving.
"See? Looks like they got home just find without me," I said, my voice a bit higher than normal. I started to open the door.
"Oh, don't worry about it. Go paint or something," Elana yawned again, rubbing her face with her hands.
"Alright. Thank you so much, you're the best."
I blew her a kiss and shut the car door, running up to my porch were it was dry. Good thing I left my phone here.
With a short movement, I unlocked my door and took a step inside.
Dry. No rain. Perfect.
First, I checked my phone which was clean of any messages or missed calls.
Then, I made my way to the bathroom where I desperately needed a shower.
I was pretty sure grass was glued onto my ankles.
I made sure the water was just right before stepping in, since it usually fluctuates 20 degrees if you turn the knob even a millimeter.
Showers were probably one of my favorite ways to think and brainstorm.
It was only noon, so I planned out my day.
Shower, paint, relax.
I could only hope it would pan out that way.

The grass was gone from my ankles. I felt refreshed. I almost took a double shower, if you count the rain as one shower. I was ready to paint and maybe even release some stress by doing so. However, we all know what happens next. The phone.

"Hey," I sighed loudly into the phone.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so. It's been a long day already," I said quietly.

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