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Elana knocked my door open. Well, more like flung. I jumped, spilling vodka onto my carpet from the resulting jolt.
"Why the hell aren't you answering me?" She slammed the door closed, grabbing the bottle from my hand equally as hard as she shut the door.
"I'm depressed, probably, "I flew back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling. Elana placed the bottle down and put her hands on her hips, looking down at me like I was a toddler who just did something wrong,
"Mildly depressed. What's up with you lately?" She sat down on the end of the couch and looked at me with sadness.
"Marcus left. I don't know where he is," I slurred my words, not because I was drunk but because I was tired and sick of everything.
"Don't beat yourself up about it, kid. This is a normal part of life," She patted my leg and turned off my tv.
"Let's do something," She pulled my leg softly, standing up in front of me.
"Can't do anything, Drunk," I laughed, realizing I wasn't even drunk at all.
"Lies. Let's go," Elana patted my cheek and that was enough to get me up.
"Do you ever think he will come back for me?" I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and Elana stared in blank silence at the ground.
"I can't really say, Ari,"!She tucked her hands into her pockets and walked to the door, soon holding it open as I entered the warm air for the first time in a long time.
"If he cares about you enough, he'll come back. Don't worry about it." Elana unlocked her car and opened the passenger side door for me. I was perplexed by her comment. How can you not worry about someone who you care abut so deeply?
We got situated insde. All I could do, was stare at his house. I had this sadness inside me. For some reason, I felt he would never come back.
Marcus had an impact on me that nobody else has ever had.
I started to cry, not wanting to admit it at first.
"Is that the alcohol crying?" Elana joked, but nobody laughed. We didn't even start the car and I was feeling carsick, too.
"He won't come back," I muttered under my breath, trying to compose myself.
I heard Elana sigh as she looked at her phone,
"You know, I'm not all that happy either."
I shrugged while my tears ran down my cheeks.
"Okay then," Elana huffed. She shrugged at me, pulling the keys out of her car.
"Go inside," Elana demanded, pointing towards the house. I obeyed her orders, partly because of her tone and partly because I didn't want anyone to see me cry. We both sat down on the couch. Elana turned on the news, gasping at the headline. My attention moved to the TV. In bold words, it read:

I raised my hand to cover my mouth, turning to look at Elana who was doing the same thing.
"What the hell is that woman doing?" I exclaimed, watching the helicopters and police cars surround the house.
"We have to go! Now!" I pointed to the TV screen, literally falling off the edge of my seat.
Elana was shaking her head," We can't do anything, Ari."
My head dropped and I started to cry again, "God, I'm such a fucking baby."
Elana patted my back and disagreed multiple times before I calmed down.
"We can just hope for the best," Elana frowned as I watched the cops surround the house, a crowd watching from a distance.
A crowd. It clicked.
"I'm going," I stood up, rushing out the door to my car. My keys were in my pocket.
"Ari, you can't!" Elana yelled from my door, but she meant nothing. I knew what I had to do. I knew where that neighborhood was because that's where I grew up. I was determined.
Inside my car, I payed no attention to Elana yelling and stomping on my porch. I just drove. I had to help.


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