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My thoughts were trying to reach a conclusion on why Marcus called himself crazy. Sure, he has an arranged marriage, but why can't he just tell the truth?
The thought of him getting admitted into the hospital formed a knot in my stomach. I tried to tell myself that it would be for the best. That is, if he decides to go through with the plan and admit himself. The delivery date of the painting was rapidly approaching and I allowed him to come with me. I loaded the painting in the back of my car. Truthfully, I was excited. The morning of, he showed up at my door bright (not really) and early, shoulders slumped. Bags were forming under his eyes. He looked half-dead.
"Man, you okay?" I asked, concerned about his well being.
Marcus shook his head as he walked inside. He leaned towards me, reaching out to touch my face with his shaking fingers.
"You're a beautful person for doing this," He mumbled quietly. I could tell from his voice that something sounded off, sounded fake. But, I didn't let that sway the way I felt about him.
Immediately after, Marcus started to cry again, hugging me tightly. I could feel his tears sink into my shirt.
"I'm going to miss you so much. So so much. You actually made me happy, and when I'm with you, it's like you give me this burst of energy that I've never felt before." His voice was muffled.
He gripped my shirt tightly, and I gently patted his back, "It'll all be okay. I promise."
"No it won't. It never is," His words were still muffled and the small whine in his voice caused me to tilt my head. "Let's just go already," I suggested.
I should give up on trying to make people feel better. I scooped up my keys and opened the door, letting Marcus shuffle outside first.
"Why do you look so awful all of a sudden?"
I asked this question for one reason: curiousity.
"The money." He gave me a short glance before reaching my car, tugging at the door handle multiple times until I fumbled to find my car keys on my keychain, unlocking the door for him. He slowly sat down and slammed the door shut. His head fell into his hands.
As I walked around the car to the drivers side, I saw his house. There were boxes visible through the side window from his new move in.
"Let's go, slowpoke," Marcus impatiently pointed to the wheel, but I took my time settling in. The car shook for a moment before starting and I headed down the street.
"You'll come visit me?"bMarcus looked up at me, frowning while I started to speak.
"Of course," I smiled, trying to see if he would copy my look, but he didn't.
The rest of the car ride was silent as I merged and switched lanes, tapping the steering wheel to the sound of the engine. Marcus stared out the window the whole time, with an occasional sigh.
I finally reached the parking lot.
"We're here," I gave Marcus a slight nudge, and he sat upright immediately.
"I'm home," He sighed, opening the door the second I pulled the key out.
The trunk popped open, and I grabbed the painting.
"I'm so excited," I said happily as I pulled the painting out all the way and stared at all of its colors admiringly.
Marcus slammed the trunk closed, grabbing my hand. I looked over at him, confused.
"I'm scared." He cracked a small, almost unnoticable smile. I didn't mind holding his hand, as long as mine stayed warm. It reminded me of the first time we went out together. "Oh, okay," I shrugged, pulling him along while I locked the car and managed the painting with the same hand. I realized I really don't know this kid, maybe he has a history of depression or bipolar disorder. Who knows.
He opened the door for us, and right when I walked in I noticed Kat. I really hoped she didn't mind that I was holding hands with another guy.

"Ari! Hey! We are so excited,"
I saw her glance at our hands while she spoke,
"Who is this?" She turned to Marcus, the biggest smile ever on her face despite her questioning tone.
"I'm Marcus, and I'm sorry if I'm a bother but for my psychology class I had to be depressed at least 3 days this week, so I figured coming along and checking out the pamphlets in the psych ward would be very beneficial towards the advancement in my class," Marcus smiled and ejected his free hand to shake hers.
My jaw dropped as my head turned to look at him, "You what?!"
I tried to sound less shocked than I actually was.
He smiled, nodding, "You heard me."
Kat switched between looking at me and Marcus, her smile turning into confusion - but still a smile.
"I'm sorry, Kat, he never told me he was doing this for psychology class," I squeezed his hand hard, emphasizing certain words while I spoke.
"You two remind me of my husband and I,"
Kat laughed quietly, adding onto her sentence, "Marcus, if you want, you can come along to see my daughter. She loves meeting new people!"
I looked up at Marcus, knowing that he would love to come just to watch the nurses interact with the patients.
"Oh, it's fine, I'll hang out down here. Thank you for the offer,"
Marcus smiled, turning towards me,
"I guess I will let you two go."
In the matter of a second, Marcus leaned down to kiss me. On my lips. He let go of my hand, walking towards the benches to sit down and wait.
Did he just? Yes. I had to stay normal for Kat.

"Oh boy, are we ready?"
Kat laughed, staring at me while I tried not to smile like an idiot. I finally caught my composure, almost positive my cheeks were blood red.
"I'm ready," I said while half smiling.
Yes, this boy was mysterious.


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I know this chapter was shorter than the others. I'm thinking of ending this early, due to various reasons, but expect a few more chapters. If I am able, I won't end it early. Also, I will be updating less frequently.


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