Chapter Two: Welcome home

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Hvitserk's POV

I eagerly left Kattegat. I could only think about getting to know Halfrid in a different light. I can comfort her and in return she will fall in love with me.

I made my horse fly down the dirt trails. I was happy when I could see her small cabin in the distance. I noticed Calder in the front yard, he had an axe in his hand as he chopped wood.

I slow up to the house with a stupid grin on my face. "Bjorn is now king of Kattegat. It's safe for you to come back home."

"I'm glad to hear that. But I dont know if Halfrid is willing to go back." Calder rubbed the back o his neck.

I got off my horse and as I did Halfrid opens the door with Thora on her hip. She was a sight for sore eyes.

"Hvitserk?" She questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"He won the battle. We can go home now." Her brother answered for me.

She rushed towards me and hugged me close. "I don't know if I can face people of Kattegat." She admitted.

"Its Ivar they hated. They worshipped you." I stated.

"How did you win?"

"Freydis told us about Ivar's secret passageway before he took her life."

"I cannot say I am surprised he took another life." She sighed sadly. "Where is he now?"

"We don't know, he fled." She nodded her head, I could tell she was relieved. "You all should come back with me. Bjorn holds no grudge against you."

"I would kill me, if I were him." She muttered.

"He's not you."

"We're going back, including you, Halfrid." Dagfinn spoke up from the doorway.

Halfrid wore a displeased glare. "I do not want to go. I-I can't go home." She quickly stomped away. "We all can leave." She goes into the cabin, leaving us men annoyed by her stubbornness.

"I didn't think it'd be difficult for you all to come back home." I sighed.

Ingrid ran out with a large smile on her face. She ran into my arms, nearly knocking me over. "Hvitserk! I am so glad to see you!"

"You might be the only one." She gave me a confused look. "Halfrid doesn't want to leave."

She rolled her eyes. "I know what this is about." She let out a huge sigh. "You've got charisma, you should go talk to her."

I hesitantly nodded my head and headed towards the cabin. It was decent size, but was made for one person, the hay stuffed mats made it clear they were trying to make do.

I noticed Calder's wife Gna, she was scaling a fish for dinner. She gave me a polite smile.

"Is it finally time to go home?" She squealed.

"Yes, I only have to convince Halfrid." I replied as I walked over to the small sectioned off corner where a poorly made bed was. Halfrid was angrily sitting while Thora played with her toys.

"I know you want me to go back, but I can't face the people." She said softly. "I stood by while Ivar hurt them. I could have stopped him-"

I injected abruptly. "No, no, no, you couldn't. Halfrid what happened, wasn't your fault. There was nothing we could do. Ivar made it that way." I knelt in front of her and grabbed her hand. "The people understand why you never helped. But you leaving Ivar would be a sign that you do not condone his actions."

"I am still ashamed and guilty."

"Don't be. Because you are the greatest person in all of Norway and the people see that."

She still didn't look happy. She looked down at her hands. "Hvitserk, that's not the only thing..."

"What is it then?" I questioned, slightly worried of what she was going to tell me. My mind raced with scenarios. She could be pregnant, she could be siding with Ivar or she's dying- what if there is another man?

"I-I had a..." she was trying to find a way to word this gently. "I had like a vision-I think it was a vision." She stuttered nervously.

I felt a wave of relief hit me, but also curiosity. "A vision?"

"Or I'm going mad."

"I doubt it." I scoffed.

"I saw the seer, I ruined my fate and now it has changed, I have two paths and I can't make the wrong one for my daughter's sake. I don't care if I die if Thora lives."

"Hey," I grabbed her small hands. "No matter what you chose, it's going to be the right decision. Where has your confidence gone?"

"Ivar destroyed that too." She said in a small voice.

"You are going to be great and Thora is going to be even luckier to call you her mother. I promise you, coming back to Kattegat isn't the wrong decision."

She finally nodded her head. I smiled wide and turn to Thora and lift her up to give her some kisses, she squealed and giggled as I kissed her chubby cheeks.

It didn't take long for the family to pack up. I guided them back to Kattegat. As we entered, we were given shocked looks from everyone. People began to whisper, and I imagined it ate Halfrid alive. She could only see herself as Ivar The Boneless's ex-wife when she is so much more. It's true, Ivar ruined the Halfrid we all knew.

I helped the ladies down from the wagon. Gna's parents rushed to her happily.

Halfrid tried to avoid the people's curious eyes. To make matters worse, Lagertha emerged from the crowd.

Ingrid happily ran to Lagertha, pulling her into a tight hug. But I noticed Lagertha's eyes on Halfrid.

"Halfrid The Fearless." Lagertha greeted. "It is nice to see you again."

"Its good to see you too. I hope you can forgive me, I was just a lovesick girl and I realize now, I should have never left Kattegat." Halfrid replied.

"But then you wouldn't become a beloved warrior." She grinned. "Everything happens for a reason. It's good to have you all back." She then disappeared back into the crowd, Halfrid let out a breath of relief.

Halfrid's POV

It felt like I was a different woman. My life has changed so much in the past year. Some for the worse, others for the better.

I had to settled back into my old life, which wasn't very difficult, but it was crazy how much I was used to being waited on for every second and I'm used to clean bathwater I never had to share or not making my own food.

I now had to relearn how to live and living with my mother reminded who I was before becoming a warrior or queen.

Weaknesses can be Strengths: Sequel (Vikings Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now