Chapter Seven

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I woke up to another day, this time Groa was jumping up and down on the bed. I peel my eyes open to see the small child jumping up and down, giggling.

"Wake up! Wake up!" She sang.

I heard a shuffle of feet. I looked up to find Hvitserk with Thora on his hip. He gave me an apologetic look. "Groa, leave Halfrid alone."

She sighed and sat beside me. "Hvitserk made us porridge. He did a good job, but left out the cinnamon."

I gave him a small smirk. "You made breakfast? Is it that late?" I got out of bed with my nightgown all wrinkled and messy.

"You needed to rest." He replied, making me think back to the night we had together, both desperately trying not to make a sound. Clothes half on just in case one of the kids wake up.

"I'll clean up then." I suggested.

"All ready done!" Groa beamed. "It's your turn to bathe!"

I take in her appearance, she was fully dressed with her braid completely soaked. I notice Thora is still wrapped in a towel.

"You gave them baths?" I gave him a small smirk. "Thank you."

He smirked smugly. "Your turn to bathe."

"Can I go and play with Erik?" Groa asked curiously.

"Erik?" Hvitserk asked as an overprotective parent. "Who is that? Do I know his parents?" 

"My best friend!" She beamed. "His daddy is the blacksmith! He's really tough." She showed off her muscles before giggling.

"Why don't you play with the little girls?" Hvitserk suggested. I gave him a disapproving look. He only shrugged defensively. He really didn't want Groa spending time with boys, but she was too young to have any crushes. She wasn't interested in boys, she just wanted to eat and play. 

"Eydis told them I'm dirty with lice. She's a lying bitch!" Her eyes burned as red as her hair. 

I gasped and tapped the back of her head, not too hard to make her cry but enough for her to get the message. "No swearing! You know better!"

"Hvitserk said that word all the time!" She protested, rubbing the back of her head.

I turned to my lover who was rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact. "Oh really? Perhaps he needs a punishment." I put my hands on my hips angrily.

He smirked promiscuously. "What did you have in mind? Bondage?"

I gave him a disgusted look, causing him to laugh. "No, like me kicking your a-butt." I caught myself before I swore, but Hvitserk gave me a knowing look. 

"I'm sorry, Halfrid. I won't say it again." Groa spoke up softly.

"Good. Now go play with Erik for a bit while I bathe."

She nodded her head and head out to play. I could Hvitserk wasn't keen on her spending time with a boy. I only walked passed him and got into the bathing tin beside the fire pit. Hvitserk sat beside me at the dining table. The water smelled of fragrance oils. I used a washcloth to clean my body off. I wet my hair and washed the grease out of it. 

He entertained Thora who was teething on a cotton doll. She also chewed onto Ivar's figurine, I had to stop her many times. I groomed myself and I could see him in the corner of my eye, thinking hard. 

"Hvitserk, don't strain yourself." I teased, trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem to work. 

"We have to do something about this Eydis." He finally said sternly. 

"Children get in scuffles, Hvitserk." I told him. "You didn't have anyone teasing you because you are a prince. I know what it's like to be young and picked on. But Groa will get through it. It doesn't last forever. I am only happy there is a child who sees how great our Groa is." 

"A boy, Halfrid." He corrected. "He's going to grow up and possibly try to lift up her skirt! I will talk to Eydis's father and get it sorted. Groa will not be picked on." 

I gave him a small smirk. "Groa is going to be just fine, my love. The other girls will see how great she is and they will befriend her. I know Eydis's mother. She has seven children, she's very busy. She's probably acting out from lack of attention at home." I shrugged. "Might sound familiar." I muttered. 

"I wasn't a bully." He protested. 

"Yes, you were!" I laughed. "I watched you tease poorer boys. You stole a boy's shoes. I tried to get them back but you threw them into the ocean." 

"I don't remember that..." He muttered. 

"Of course not." I got out of the bath and reached for a towel to wrap around myself. "Groa will become a marvelous woman. I have no doubt about that."  

I continued to get dressed and ready for the day. I brushed my hair out and put it back before having to feed Thora. She latched on painfully, drawing tears to my eyes. I needed to start weaning her a little more. 

When the midday rolled around, I just used leftover porridge, I just added spices to make it have more flavor. 

Groa came in with minimal dirt on her hands and face. She went to the wash pail without having to be asked. She joined the table with a small smile. Hvitserk gave Thora spoon fulls of porridge. 

"Did you have a nice morning?" He asked her. 

She nodded her head. "Yes, Erik and I played Saxon and warrior." It was a game that became popular with the village children. Most were products of warriors, hearing stories about the dirty Saxons, the children would play a warrior who slaughtered the Saxon.

"Which one were you?" I asked curiously. 

"Erik let me be the warrior." She didn't look like herself. Nothing was upbeat. 

"Is something wrong, Groa? Did Eydis bother you?" Hvitserk pried. He wanted to know the cause for her soured mood.

"She's going to die." She said flatly. 

Hvitserk and I exchanged glances. "Die? What do you mean, my love?" I asked her softly. 

"Eydis is going to die soon. I saw it. It will happen soon. I didn't tell her, I don't want to make her sad." She replied.

"Is that why you let her tease you?" Hvitserk asked her gently.

She nodded her head. "She's not happy. Her daddy doesn't like that he has so many daughters. But he's going to be heartbroken when he finds her dead." 

"How does she die?" 

She looked him in the eye. "I see water." 

He forced his head into a nod. "Y-you should just eat your meal." He suggested, clearing his throat. 

I felt unable to find the words to say, were there any? She just ate her meal in peace. There were no longer conversations. When everyone finished, I cleaned up the dirty dishes before putting them back on the shelf. 

"Can I go and play?" Groa asked.

"No, go work on your embroidery." I insisted. 

She sighed but went to her room to grab her basket. She liked sitting in the main room to work on her project. She was improving on her stitching, she just needed encouragement. Hvitserk left to visit Ubbe. I worked on dinner, I glanced at Groa ever so often. Thora was down for a nap, something I was grateful for. 

"Halfrid, wanna know what I see?" Groa asked, finally filling up the silence. 

I was hesitant to hear. "What is it?"

"I see Thora big and strong. I see her as a warrior. Thora Ivarssdottir, the fierce warrior." She let out a giggle. "Just like her mommy."

I gave her a small smirk. "Have you seen your own future?" 

She shrugged. "Pieces, I'm a Völva, not sure if I'm known or not like Queen Aslaug. But I see myself doing okay. I only hope to make you proud."

I gave her a smile. "I am already proud of you. You are a wonderful daughter. You just need to put more effort into your sewing." 

She let out a chuckle. "Yes, Halfrid. I know." 

I smiled happily at my little seeress. She was so cute. I hoped she stayed young forever. I wasn't looking forward to her growing up. I didn't want her growing up, she didn't need to know how cruel the world was, but in life as a thrall she probably has an idea of how cruel humans can be. 

Weaknesses can be Strengths: Sequel (Vikings Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now