Chapter 33: Taehyung's Response

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You know when you feel really stressed about how well your book is doing and if it will ever become successful? That's all my worries for Cry right now.

But I really love this book and all the readers

3rd Person:

After the New Years kiss, Jungkook had went to bed, grinning. As soon as his head hit his pillow, the brunet was asleep.

Unlike Taehyung, who was the exact opposite.

He sat, in the dark, staring at the closet across the room. His mind deep in thought.

He had kissed Jungkook.

Taehyung smiled, his cheeks turning a bright pink when reminiscing the thoughts of his first kiss.

He had kissed Jungkook.

And that thought stuck with him for the rest of the night, until the boy's insomnia let him finally have some rest.
Taehyung's POV:

When he woke up the next morning, Taehyung felt uplifted.

Life was was actually okay.

Glancing over at the digital clock on his nightstand, the time read 9:56 AM

The boy let his eyes adjust to his sunlit room before he crept out of bed and his bedroom, down the halls and into the kitchen.

The braids from the night before were still in and, as he walked, Tae slowly undid the braids to reveal wavy, silver locks.

"Good morning and a Happy New Year to you!" A wide awake Jungkook greeted him, going over to give him a small hug

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"Good morning and a Happy New Year to you!" A wide awake Jungkook greeted him, going over to give him a small hug.

Taehyung was a tad surprised by the sudden close contact, but that didn't mean he didn't like it.

Behind him came Jongwoo, with a vacuum in hand, as well as a cloth thrown over his shoulder. His hair was clipped back in one of Nari's Hellow Kitty hair clips again.

"Mornin' Tae. Happy New Year." The older greeted, and the aforementioned said the same. "We're gonna be heading back home in a few hours or so, so can you help clean up?" Jongwoo handed him the cloth that was on his shoulder. "Maybe you can go wipe down the kitchen." Taehyung nodded, before heading off to do his job, Jungkook following him like a puppy.

After that moment the night before, even seeing the brunet brought a swarm of butterflies in Tae's stomach.

"So about that kiss..." Jungkook said softly and Tae hummed, growing red from the memories of last night. "I thought- only if you want to I guess, but-" the brunet turned to Tae with a hopeful expression. "I was wondering if you'd be my- my boyfriend?"

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