Chapter 37: Questioned Loyalty

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I'm back, my beautiful readers 💜

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Taehyung's POV:
Another late night and another party was what stole Taehyung's boyfriend once again.

But, unlike every other time Jungkook was gone, Taehyung didn't feel alone.

Jungwoo and Nari had already left the house, determined on watching the latest movie, Detective Pikachu. When Taehyung had questioned their childish excitement to watch the movie, Jungwoo had simply stated; "Pokémon is a fucking creation of the gods themselves, you inconsiderate crouton." Which had, in an instant, silenced the younger boy into a state of shocked silence.

How old was Jungwoo again?

With that, the two Jeon siblings had left in a flash, the duo wearing Pokémon onesies. Nari wore a worn, oversized Oshowott piece. Jungwoo was styled in a Charmander onesie, a proud smile on his face.

When they left, Taehyung had sighed.

He currently sported oversized sweatpants and a stained sweatshirt. How did it get stained, you may ask? Wait- not like that, get your mind out of the gutter. There had been a recent food fight while Jungwoo had been making dinner. All because Taehyung had made a simple comment on how 'the food smelt like cooked socks' had the eldest Jeon brother throwing a. packet of pizza sauce at the boy's sweatshirt. After that, all hell had broken loose.

Entering the lounge, Taehyung threw himself onto the large sofa. Flicking on the television, he scrolled through Nari's Netflix account.

Taehyung had been offered his own account, but both him and Nari agreed their taste in television was identical. Which was true.

Finally deciding on a fresh movie, Always Be My Maybe, Taehyung relaxed into the soft cushions of the couch and laughed along with the plot.

His phone buzzed in his pant pocket, and Taehyung jumped.

Glancing away from the tv, he took his phone into his hand and found a recent text from Jimin.

(Jimin: Bold)
(Taehyung: Italic)

What's Jungkook's address?

Bitch what

Just gimme the address and I'll be there soon

Yeah yeah
It's *insert address, because my lazy ass doesn't wanna make one*

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