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"What the hell is this?!" Lisa threw the gray folder she was holding in her husband's direction. It hit him square in the chest but his features remained impassive.

"Divorce papers."

"I know they're divorce papers! Why are you suddenly asking me for a divorce?!"

"Is that even a question?" Jungkook's tone was even colder than it usually was.

Replacing his chilly expression was one that brought Lisa feelings of insecurity. Jungkook was looking at her like she was dirt on his shoes that he couldn't get rid of.

At a loss for words, she could only blink. She then bit her lower lip and her gaze fell on the floor. His words hurt but she wasn't going to cry. Not in front of him.

Lisa always knew she was no match for him. He was crazy rich, crazy good-looking and came from a crazy good family background while she was the daughter of a widow from a household incomparable to his.

She always thought she got lucky when she was told she was to marry THE Jeon Jungkook. The first time she laid her eyes on him, no matter how cold he was to her when they met, she liked him in an instant. She thought there was more to him. Underneath that uncaring facade, there must be some bit of warmth... Even a little. And so she stupidly decided she would be the one to bring out the kindness in him.

She had done a lot of things so that she could stand next to him.

She learned to play various instruments because she learned he loved music. She learned everything she could about business so she could help him carry the burden of running a business empire. She took lessons to be a proper lady of a household. She also learned a lot of things she thought might be necessary. She took care of her husband well and still...

The people from the uppity society he belonged to did not deem her worthy to be Jungkook's wife because she did not come from a powerful or rich-beyond-belief family.

But that wasn't what bothered Lisa... because she loved her family to death and she would never be ashamed of them.

What she felt was upsetting was that Jungkook did not care about her at all or what she did. He never acknowledged the effort she put in to make their relationship work and to be able to stay in his world.

She knew she made a lot of mistakes in the past and she had caused him a lot of trouble, especially during a few public events when she had lost control of her temper and ended up humiliating herself, therefore, also humiliating Jungkook.

There was a very, very, VERY long list of socialites wanting to be with Jungkook despite the fact that he was already married. These women wanted to ruin her and take her place. They always targeted her weakness by picking fights and pushing her buttons. She was made to look like a villain in front of the media, ruining her public image.

This had an effect on the company's stocks and all Jungkook cared about was the company. This was one of the many reasons why her husband hated her.

However, she thought he would be at least a bit nicer because she had sacrificed a lot of things just to be with him.

Because she stuck to Jungkook who her sister did not approve of, Lisa and her older sibling had a fall out. They had not spoken to or seen each other for over a year. Even after their mother died and their nanny, who had been taking care of her and her sister since they were born, disappeared, her sister didn't show up.

Now, Lisa had no one other than Jungkook. He knew this...

So how could he just abandon her? Even if he didn't love her... Couldn't he at least wait until she was no longer grieving over her mother's recent death and her beloved Nana's disappearance?

"Grandfather is dead." He reminded her.

Ah, Jungkook's grandfather. Her heart ached at the thought of him. He always had Lisa's back, no matter what. For some reason, Grandpa Jeon loved Lisa dearly. He was the one who arranged for his grandson to be married to her. Now, he was gone...

And the Jeons thought she had something to do with his death.

How could she kill the only ally she had left?

How could they think she was even capable of something like murder?

"He was the only reason why I stayed with you." Jungkook's words were like daggers, each one stabbing at Lisa.

'How cruel...'

He turned and entered his office, slamming the doors in her face.

Now it was clear as crystal. She had been fooling herself all this time.

Jeon Jungkook was truly a man incapable of love.

She heard a click. Her soon to be ex-husband locked the doors to his office. She could only cry silently as she stared at the wooden double doors.

After who knows how long, Lisa finally decided to leave.

A little bit of pride was all she had left. She would not beg him to stay.

As she was walking to the front door, Lisa passed by the dining room and saw a few people there.

Jungkook's mother was having tea with a few socialites. This included Chou Tzuyu, Jungkook's childhood friend, and Lee Nancy, the woman who fancied her husband and made her life hell.

She always knew her mother in law didn't like her but the fact that she was already trying to find someone for Jungkook when she hadn't even signed the divorced papers disgusted Lisa.

She hurried out of the Jeons' mansion. The place might be incredibly grand and beautiful but it was suffocating to be in there. She got in her car and drove away.

What was she to do now?

She had nothing...

And she had no one.

Tears continued to pour from her eyes and she rubbed them away furiously.

'Maybe I should just die...'

All of a sudden, there was a truck from the other lane swerving from left to right dangerously. It missed the car in front of her but hit Lisa's Mini Cooper with such force. Lisa let out an ear-piercing scream as the truck sent her car tumbling to the side of the road.

It landed to a stop in an upside down position.

Blood dripped from the deep gash on Lisa's forehead to the roof of her car. Her hands fumbled with her seatbelt and she fought hard in order to keep herself conscious. After a couple more failed attempts of freeing herself, she sighed sadly and gave up.

What was the point?

Lisa detected the faint scent of gas and saw part of her car catch fire. She did nothing except to allow herself to black out.


Dun dun dunnn!

Hello, everyone! I love liskook fics so I wanted to write one even though I'm bad at writing. I also apologize for the grammar errors. English isn't my first language and I don't feel like proofreading. 😂

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