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"Lisa! Look over here!"

"Lisa, what's your relationship with Golden Era's Bambam?"

"Is it true you're dating each other?"



Lisa exited the car and walked with her head down. Her manager and her assistant were on either side of her, keeping the paparazzi away from her.

It had only been a week since she became a Golden Era artist and she was already receiving tons of attention.

When she had signed with Golden Era, the company quickly arranged a manager for her, as well as an assistant. The following day, they changed Lisa's image. Her blonde hair was now an eye-catching orange and her style was still feminine but with a little bit of edge. After the makeover, Lisa immediately had a photoshoot for Golden Era's page. A picture of Lisa from said photoshoot was uploaded in all of Golden Era's social media accounts with the caption: Lisa, Golden Era Entertainment welcomes you.

Lisa was overwhelmed at how fast everything was happening. Was it really like this for GE Entertainment's artists? Or was this because she was... 'A special case'?

There was a mixture of reactions from the fans of the best entertainment company. Most of them were excited. The post was shared over and over and went viral. Golden Era had been quiet for a while... Was the reason because they were planning to release a new artist? Was she going to be an actress? A model? A soloist?

Everybody went crazier when the post was shared by none other than number one male soloist and heartthrob, Bambam. His phone was still confiscated but he frequently sneaked away from his manager since then and often went to internet cafés to access his social media accounts and play games. When he saw his company's post, he shared it immediately. He captioned the shared post with: Welcome, Lisa! Just that and the post blew up even more. There were so many comments under the post!


"Wow! She's so pretty! Good luck to her!"

"I don't think she's THAT pretty.'


"Bambam noooo! I'm heartbroken. Huhuhu. But I'm also kind of shipping it. I am so conflicted!"

"Since Bambam is supporting her, I will too! Go, Lisa!"

"Fighting, Lisa! We're rooting for you!"

Lisa was brought back to reality when one of the paparazzi trying to get a good picture of her, nearly fell on his butt.

"Be careful!" Lisa shouted.

The cameras flashed even more. Some of the paparazzi's impression of her improved. The paparazzi who stumbled backwards only chuckled at his clumsiness and continued taking pictures.

Some guards rushed over to them and blocked the men with cameras from going any further into the premises. Lisa, her manager and her assistant, entered the large building.

"C'mon, let's go greet the director and the others before heading to the dressing room." Said her manager.

Lisa nodded silently and smiled at the employees they passed by politely. The crew greeted her back, their faces showing curiosity and interest.

'As expected of Golden Era artists.' They thought as their eyes trained on the orange haired woman.

Along with her attractive face, Lisa also had that regal aura that A-Class artists from her company had. She captured the people's attention easily and made it hard for them to look away. If this girl was gifted at acting as much as she was with beauty, there was a high possibility that she would become one of GE Entertainment's top artists.

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