Party (3)

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"Fine then." Lisa shrugged. Her eyes found Jisoo who was holding the tiny black box Lisa had handed her earlier.

When their eyes met, one corner of Jisoo's heartshaped lips tugged upwards in understanding.

"How about we play a video of what happened?" Lisa asked.

"Ha! Good idea! Somebody get us the CCTV camera footage!" The congressman yelled.

"CCTV camera footage?" Lisa grinned. "Oh no no no. That won't do, congressman. How about footage from an HD camera instead?"

"HD... camera... footage?"

Jooe's eyes widened and so did the congressman's. They whipped their heads in the direction to which Lisa's slim finger was pointing.

Jisoo was handing a small black camera to the host on stage who looked a bit shaken at what was happening.

"Play this." Jisoo ordered.

The host perfectly knew who Kim Jisoo was. He could lose his job if he did not do what she said so he quickly took the camera from her and connected it to a laptop.

"Use the projector. Hurry up." Jisoo's eyes narrowed.

"Yes!" The host squeaked. He then cleared his throat. "Yes, Ms. Kim!" With shaky hands, he quickly projected the laptop's screen on the white backdrop on stage.

The video taken with the mini camera started to play.

Everybody in the venue could see the faces of the people in the video clearly.

Two blonde women were walking side by side when suddenly, they stopped.

The darker blonde was nudged with enough force to make her lose her balance but she did not. She raised her brow at the lighter blonde who pushed her which made the latter get angrier.

After her unsuccessful first attempt, the lighter blonde tried to push the darker blonde again but the woman who was pushed held onto her bully and pivoted so they would switch places. The bully attempted to balance herself but fell in the pool with a loud splash.

Everybody knew what happened after that.

"She was the first to push that lady and she made people believe she was the victim!"

"Oh my god. How shameless!"

"And that woman was so nice to her too. I heard them talking earlier. That dress the soaked woman is wearing is a gift from her."

"What?! So she's not only shameless, she's also ungrateful!"

Jooe's blood ran cold.

"The video quality is quite good, don't you think so?" Lisa cocked her head to the side, smiling.

"Park Lalisa!" Jooe moved to strike Lisa but she was quickly pulled back by her boyfriend.

"Don't." He said as he held Jooe in place.

They had been humiliated enough.

His eyes fell on Lisa. She had managed to foil his girlfriend's attempt at humiliating her and she outsmarted him too.

This girl sure was brave.

She thinks it's a good idea to pick a fight with him and his girlfriend...

She may have won today, but the congressman would remember this.

Lisa crossed her arms. "Well, Mr. Congressman?"

"I'm sorry, miss." He said through gritted teeth. "I was so sure it was her who was pushed from where I stood."

Lisa narrowed her eyes at the man. She decided to let him go. According to her memory, in the future, he would be exposed for his corrupt ways and be thrown in jail. She didn't have to do anything.

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