The High Life 1

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"I've told you time and time again, I'm not getting back together with you so leave me alone!" The man sitting at the bar shouted, earning the curious stares of the few people close enough to hear them over the loud music.

The woman swallowed as she tried to keep her tears at bay. The beautiful pair of cat-like brown eyes she owned looked up sadly to meet the man's blazing ones. "But Kai... I-"

"It's over, Jennie. We're over. I'm with Eunhye now, why can't you just accept that and move on?!" He said and took a step back when the brunette tried to reach for his hand.

"I won't!" Jennie yelled angrily, masking how heartbroken she truly felt when Kai avoided her. "That woman isn't in love with you like I am! She's using you! She's a golddigger and-"

"That's enough!" At that moment, everything about Kai screamed 'Danger'. His voice, expression, aura... everything.

"Kai..." A stunned Jennie stared at the man with wide eyes.

Her hands trembled slightly as she looked at him. He didn't even look bothered after seeing how he frightened Jennie. The tender and loving look that Kai would give her was now a thing of the past. She missed it. She missed him. However, these days, his mood would sour upon the sight of her. Jennie was positive that this was the work of that cunning woman. Kai just ate up whatever lie that bitch kept spouting. After three years of being together, he had chosen to believe that liar instead of believing his girlfriend.

'Wrong. You're his EX-girlfriend now, Jennie.' She let out a sad sigh recalling how Kai and that golddigger had gotten together the moment he broke up with her. 'Just what did she feed you for you to become this way, Kai?'

Kai ran his fingers through his hair and let out an exasperated sigh. "Eunhye's going to come back from the restroom any minute now. I think it's best that you leave before she does."

One corner of Jennie's lips tugged upwards. "Great. I'd LOVE to have a little CHAT with her."

"Jennie..." Kai warned.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and said, "I'm not leaving."

"Fine then, I'll go." With this, Kai walked away to look for his girlfriend.

"Kai!" She shouted after him but the man kept walking away. "KIM JONGIN!"

Jennie's dark orbs trailed on Kai's retreating back until he was swallowed by the sea of dancing people.

"She's got you wrapped around that bony little finger of hers... Kai, you idiot." A stray tear fell from her eye and Jennie immediately wiped it away with her hand. "I don't know what to do..."

"Might I make a suggestion?"

Jennie's brows furrowed at the sound of the familiar voice. At the far end of the bar, four stools away, sat an incredibly handsome man. As dashing as he might be though, Jennie wanted nothing to do with him... except probably to punch him in the eye. He remained in his seat, turning the stool where he was seated so that he was facing the annoyed brunette. Looking at her expression, his lips curved into an amused smirk.

"How about leaving him alone?" The man with dark-brown hair said.

Kim Jennie's brows furrowed even deeper at his words. "Might I make a suggestion as well? How about leaving ME alone?" She shot back.

'Where the hell did this guy come from? Had he been there all this time?' Jennie thought as she glared at him. 'How does he manage to find me every single time? Does he have a tracker on me or something?'

"You're trying to get in between a loving couple... I feel like it's my duty to stop you from destroying their lovely relationship." He said and drank the glass of alcohol he had in his hand in one gulp.

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