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SURPRISE!!! That next month thing was... A LIEEEEE! *.* Ahehehe. ✌


It might not show on his face, but Grandpa Jeon was feeling very happy.

Today happened to be a Friday, the day of the week when his grandchildren would usually drop by to have dinner with him.

Although the Jeon family mansion was grand and beautiful, it was an extremely lonely place for the old man to live in. When his children got married, naturally, they moved out to live with their spouses. This left the old man with only the servants and bodyguards, which emphasized how empty the huge mansion was. However, with his grandsons' weekly visits, along with Lisa's even more frequent ones and daily phone calls, Grandpa Jeon had never really been left alone in the mansion long enough to actually feel lonely.

He felt fortunate that he was blessed with the grandchildren he had and his loving granddaughter-in-law.

He'd only ever tell or show it to Lisa though.

The old man heard the sound of a car in the driveway and moments later, Jungkook entered the living room. A deep frown appeared on Grandpa Jeon's face when he did not see Yoongi and Hoseok following after his youngest grandson like they usually did.

"Where are your cousins?" Grandpa Jeon asked.

"Still at MJS." Jungkook answered. Seeing the expression of dismay his grandfather was sporting, he added, "They'll be here tomorrow to see you, grandpa. No need to be disappointed."

"Who's disappointed? I'm not disappointed!" The old man crossed his arms. "If that's the case, you should have brought Lalisa with you so we can all have dinner together. Why didn't you?"

Jungkook's lips formed a thin line. "I'm hungry. What are we having for dinner?"



The young CEO ignored his grandfather's reaction and swiftly made his way to the dining area.

"What's wrong with him?" Grandpa Jeon muttered to himself and followed after his grandson.

As they ate, Grandpa Jeon could not help but eye his youngest grandchild suspiciously.

If it were any other person, they wouldn't find anything out of the ordinary, but this was Grandpa Jeon. He was a very observant person. And anyway, Jungkook was his grandchild so when something about the youngest Jeon was off, Grandpa Jeon would notice immediately. Every now and then, when he would look up from his dinner, Grandpa Jeon would see Jungkook knit his brows together ever so slightly or scowl for a second before his face would go back to being expressionless.

What was wrong with Jungkook?

Was it the food?

But to Grandpa Jeon, dinner was delicious.

So what was his grandson's problem?

"Is the food not to your liking?" The old man asked.

Jungkook shook his head without looking up. "No, the food is fine."

"What is it then?"

"Nothing, grandpa."

Grandpa Jeon grew annoyed. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook! I'm your grandfather! Don't you think I'd know when you're lying?!"

Instead of replying, Jungkook continued to eat his food quietly.

"Fine! Don't tell me!" The old man humph-ed.

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