Not Easy

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Lisa bit her lower lip and kept fiddling with her fingers as she paced back and forth in the middle of the living room.

"I don't understand." Her face showed she was confused. "He should have agreed immediately. Why didn't he?"

Chaeyoung's eyes followed Lisa as the blonde continued to walk back and forth in front of her. The redhead sat comfortably on the couch, holding a plate with a slice of cake in one hand and a fork in the other.

The siblings were currently in Lisa's apartment because Lisa didn't want anyone from their family home to overhear her and Chae talking. As of the moment, Park Chaeyoung was the only person who knew about Lisa wanting the engagement canceled.

The older sibling was in the middle of eating her cake but watching her sister made her lose her appetite.

Chae sighed and placed the fork on her plate. With her free hand, she held the side of her head. "Lalisa, please sit down. You're making me dizzy!"

The blonde stopped pacing and narrowed her eyes at her sister. "Park Chaeyoung, how can you be stuffing yourself at a time like this, huh?!"

"Oh, did you want some?"

Lisa shot her sister a slightly irked look. "No, I don't want any cake!"

"Suit yourself." The redhead shrugged.

"Chae!" Lisa whined.

"What the heck do you want me to do?"

"Oh, I don't know," Raising a brow and placing her hands on her hips, the blonde said, "Something besides eating cake?!"

"Okay." Chae flashed her sister a cheeky smile. "Think I didn't spot that tub of ice cream you hid behind the freezer? Ha!"

"Yah, Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa scowled. Could her sister be anymore unsympathetic?

"I was kidding. Geez." Chae frowned. "I'm fine with cake."

'Aish, this Park Chaeyoung!'

Lisa went back to pacing. For days, she had been trying to figure out her fiancé. Lisa had been so sure that the probability of Jungkook saying 'yes' to her was in the high nineties. No one knew him as well as she did. She was married to him in her past life for five years, after all! She was positive he would agree but then... It turned out he didn't even care.

What was she to do now?

"Ugh, that jerk. Why is he making it hard for me even in my second life?!"

"What?" Chae didn't quite catch the last part of her sentence.

"Nothing!" Lisa's voice went several octaves higher.

The blonde nearly slapped herself. Something like going back in time, she couldn't tell anyone. They'd think she had a screw loose.

She slumped next to Chaeyoung on the couch, grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. "UUGGGHHHH!"

"Quit being dramatic!" Chae rolled her eyes. "Here, have some."

Lisa gave in and opened her mouth. After Chae put a small piece of cake in it, Lisa chewed harshly and swallowed. She couldn't appreciate the dessert because she was in a very bad mood.

She wanted to hit something.

She wanted to hit Jeon Jungkook.


Chaeyoung glanced at her sister. "Why don't you just tell grandpa that you don't want to marry him?"

"You know how Grandpa Jeon is! He'd get Jungkook to convince me to go through with the marriage thing, and by convince, you know what I mean... Jungkook has his 'ways'." Lisa signed quotation marks with her fingers. "He'd probably blackmail me or do something worse. So, the decision has to be mutual!"

DO-OVER [A Whatever Fic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ