The High Life 2

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Because three (out of four) of my beloved ships are in this chapter, it's gonna be a bit longer than usual. ❤

A silver-gray haired man had been busy flirting with a woman he had pinned against the wall until he saw a flash of red walk by. As the woman with wavy red hair brushed past him from behind, she left a familiar scent of candy and bubblegum in the air. Immediately, the man's head whipped in her direction. She made her way to the edge of the dance floor and started moving her body to the music.

The moment his eyes landed on her, they never left.

"Jimin?" The woman in between Jimin and the wall lifted her hand to touch his face. "What's wrong?"

At that moment, the redhead twirled around and Jimin was able to get a look good at her face. Those beautiful eyes, that cute nose and cheeky grin... No wonder whenever she passed by, guys would turn their heads in her direction. In that shimmery dress that was somewhat similar to his hair color- silver- she looked... delectable.

His eyes were still on the redhead when he said, "I'll be right back, Jeongyeon."

Jeongyeon waited, but Jimin didn't return.

Chaeyoung was having fun dancing when the music suddenly stopped. Naturally, the crowd stopped dancing too, and the people let out words of confusion, disappointment and annoyance. Seconds later, an even livelier song started playing, causing the people to cheer loudly, nearly tearing the roof off of the club. Chae laughed and jumped to the beat, she raised her hands in the air and accidentally hit the person standing next to her.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed and looked very apologetic... until her eyes locked on his.

He had a silver earring on one ear and looked very attractive in his partially unbuttoned dress shirt and dark pants. The man still had that same sensual vibe he had the day they first met. To Chaeyoung, Park Jimin looked every bit of a player. Well, he was. The smile on her face faded into a small frown.

"You've got some nerve coming back here, Rosé." He said, his eyes burning with controlled anger.

"I didn't think you'd be back here with your playboy ways this soon, Park Jimin." Chaeyoung shot back with a mocking smile as she recalled the state she left him in. "Aren't you glad I came? I heard you were looking for me."

After that unfortunate encounter with Park Rosé, he sent out a generous number of men to look for her but every single one of them came back with no news about the red-haired woman. This made the man extremely furious.

Park Rosé? Someone with that name should have been found easily! Rosé was quite a unique name, after all.

And so, he came to the conclusion that... she didn't give him her real name.

Well, she had been plotting against him so that wasn't surprising at all.

Still, finding her should not have been a difficult task but he didn't know she was smart enough to bribe someone to get all of the CCTV footages of the club that day deleted. Now, with only her fake name and that poorly drawn sketch of her to go on with, there was barely any progress in his search.

Park Jimin had considered getting help from his hyungs, Yoongi and Hoseok, but they would ask too many questions and he would kill himself before he told them what happened to him and why he was looking for her. It was too humiliating!

When he was running out of ideas, he found himself back to where they met... One of his clubs. He was there to look for probably non-existent clues and got side-tracked because of a cute blonde but anyway, to his surprise, here she was!

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