On Set (1)

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When Choi Yoojung first saw Lisa in Golden Era's building, she thought the latter was applying for what she thought was a mediocre job like being an intern or whatever. She welcomed that idea. If Lisa were to get a job at Golden Era, Yoojung would have a lot of fun pushing the then-blonde-now-carrot-head around.

Never did it once enter her mind that the damn woman would be working as an artist! The leading entertainment company lowered their standards for that Lisa?! Yoojung couldn't believe it!

And her assistant even told her that CEO Namjoon prepared that woman's contract himself. She gave her assistant a good smack on the back of the head for spouting such nonsense. Why the hell would their esteemed CEO do something like that? Lisa wasn't anything special! To Yoojung, she wasn't even goodlooking!

So the fact that Lisa was here, on the set of the most popular drama baffled Yoojung. It annoyed her that Lisa got a cameo but it made her furious when the director decided that Lisa would have longer screentime. The bitch would have a side story! A freaking side story...


She nearly threw a fit when the director announced the change in the script!

It was unacceptable!

"Yoojung, calm down- AHH!" The assistant narrowly dodged the hairbrush Yoojung sent flying in her direction.

"Don't tell me to calm down! That bitch knows my Bambam! She's probably trying to use him for his fame and money!"

"But Yoojung- AHH!" This time, the assistant ducked and successfully evaded the water bottle that was aimed for her face.

"I'd die before I let that happen!" Yoojung got out of her dressing room to look for Lisa.

"Yoojung! Where are you going?! Yoojung!" The assistant scrambled after her boss.

"The director is doing this on purpose." Lisa's manager sighed, rubbing her temples. "You and Bambam are the top searches right now. The change in the script will definitely up his show's ratings."

"It'll be okay, unnie." Lisa said, not looking up from her script.

"You aren't worried about the rumors, Miss Lisa?" Mina asked.

"Those are just rumors. As long as Bam and I keep it professional on set, it'll be fine."

All of a sudden, someone kicked the door of Lisa's dressing room open and strutted inside.

Mina was so startled that she jumped and hugged the nearest person to her - Lisa's manager who was glaring at the intruder. Lisa already knew who came barging in without having to look. She calmly placed her script on top of the table and tilted her head in the direction of the unwanted visitor.

"YOU!" Yoojung pointed a finger at Lisa and yelled, "You slut! I know what you're up to! What? Your sugar daddy finally found his brain and decided to throw you away, huh?! Is Bambam your next goal?! Bitch!"

"Yoojung, stop!" Yoojung's personal assistant tried to pull her employer out of Lisa's dressing room but her boss was stronger than she looked. Yoojung didn't even budge from where she stood.

"Keep your filthy paws away from my Bambam!"

Lisa's manager's eyes widened as she looked at the crazed woman in disbelief. Mina had the same look on her face. Lisa's expression, however, remained stony.

Inwardly, Lisa didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So this was the kind of woman that her childhood friend was attracting? No wonder he was still single.

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