8. hope it's okay

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"Why were you talking to Natalie?"

I turn to look at Brad who is standing next to me as I unhinge the hose from the yellow fire hydrant. It's been a long day. I'm hot and exhausted. I can't wait to get back to the station and take a long cold shower. I didn't realize Brad had been behind me when I was talking to Natalie a few minutes ago until after I hung up. I'm too tired to care. I turn my attention back to the hose as I speak. "She saw the news about the explosion on T.V. and wanted to make sure we were fine."

"Why did she call you?"

Brad doesn't hide the tone of accusation and I clench my jaw in frustration. "She's my friend too, you know."

I feel like a liar saying those words because I know that Natalie and I aren't exactly friends. If I had to define my current relationship status with Natalie it would be 'it's complicated'. There's nothing better out there to define us. But Brad doesn't need to know that and I'm not about to tell him. He's already fuming with jealousy at the fact that Natalie called me and not him. It's a little satisfying.

Brad huffs. "I'm not idiot, Josh. I know you two haven't spoken since before you left."

The hose finally unhinges from the fire hydrant and I continue to roll it back to the fire truck. The place is still not as crowded as it was about an hour ago. There were a few news vans along with police cars, helicopters, more fire trucks and, of course, many concerned neighbors. The storage wasn't around other buildings and the closest house was a couple feet away so the explosion didn't cause any damage to buildings around it.

We were the first ones at the scene. Someone had called about smoke coming out of the building. As we were doing the routine inspection, something exploded hurting four of our own. When I heard it, I immediately turned around to look at Brad to make sure he was behind me. Dad had been leading us to he was in front of me. The explosion happened across the building from where we were. Now the investigation begins.

Brad follows me back to the truck and I frown in annoyance. I don't know why I'm surprised. He's never been someone to let things go so easily. Whenever Brad wants something, he doesn't stop until he gets it. He was always the one nagging mom and dad about getting him toys he didn't need then later on clothes then a phone and so on. He doesn't take no for an answer. I'm still not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

I didn't even know he was behind me when I was talking to Natalie until after I hung up and turned around and there he was, giving me a glare of betrayal and jealousy. I need him to drop this before I say something I regret.

"Yeah, well, we're talking again," I finally say.

Not necessarily the truth but not a lie either. I'm still punching myself in the gut for telling Natalie I can't be just friends with her. I don't know what I expected. She's too selfless to not care about what would happen if we give into whatever this is. I know that. What I told her is true-I can't be around her as just friends but I wish I would have tried a bit harder because I miss her.

Brad studies me while I keep myself busy by putting all the equipment back in the truck. He's supposed to be helping but I don't want to get him more pissed than he already is so I suck it in and keep working. I'm exhausted. It's been a long shift and I still have another twelve hour shift to work tomorrow.

"You going Saturday?" He finally asks.

"I told Mom I would," I say carefully.

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