20. i missed you

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I wake up Saturday morning with a headache which is usually not a good sign for the day. I take some ibuprofen then get out of bed and into the shower in the hopes of feeling better. I change into white shorts with a pale pink blouse and my white cardigan. I don't know what it is about Newport that makes me want to wear cardigans. I think it's the beach. It makes me want to feel all nice and cozy.

I find Savannah in the kitchen making breakfast for the guests. I help her brew the coffee so it's ready for them when they come down. Working in the inn can be very easy or hard depending on how many guests and the type of guests we get. Usually people here are nice and in a good mood but every once in a while, we'll get those repugnant customers that make me really glad my days in customer service are behind me.

We serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Mom is the one that cooks but Savannah has gotten really good at it which puts me to shame. It's not a five star hotel so we don't have to worry about menus or making a different meal for every guest. The way we do it is one meal for everyone which works because we're a small inn. Mom usually asks them if they have any allergies when they arrive.

"I don't have to work until four so I'll be here for lunch," Savannah says as we have breakfast. She made refried beans with eggs, bacon, pancakes, and toast. "You probably won't have to worry about making dinner. I don't think we'll get any guests tonight. It's been a slow week."

I nod. "You've gotten so good at this."

She shrugs. "I kind of like it. It's like working for yourself."

"How's work by the way? Still hate people?"

She rolls her eyes. "If you worked there, you would hate them too."

I laugh. "Probably."

"So what have you been up to? You know besides doing Josh."

I roll my eyes at her. "I haven't done Josh. And nothing just work. I started going to gym."

"No way."

I nod. "Yeah. I really want to get a belly button piercing."

"I have a friend that does piercings. Met him in high school. So come when you're ready. He's very professional and clean, I promise."

"Really? Cool."

She smiles at me. "I really wish you lived here. You could move in with me and we could work out together."

"That does sound nice," I say with a smile.

"But Newport doesn't have Josh." She jokes making me laugh.

We finish breakfast just before the guests begin to come down. I help Savannah serve breakfast for them then begin to clean the kitchen. I feel weirdly good being here. Maybe it's the light coming in through the windows and the sound of ocean in the background. I just feel good. My spirits are lifting. Maybe I should move here.

Savannah is right though. Newport doesn't have Josh and Josh happens to be the only person keeping me sane right now.

"You're coming for the 4th of July, right?" She asks me later that afternoon.

I smile. "Of course. I love watching the fireworks here."

The Fourth of July is a few weeks away. It's one of my favorite holidays mostly because I love fireworks and the celebration in general.

I tell Savannah I'm going to hang out in the beach for a bit before she leaves. I walk barefoot on the sand and try not to think about anything and just focus on the sound of the waves. I'm walking along the shore when something hits me on the back of my leg. "Ow." I murmur as I stop and turn around. There's a football rolling next to me.

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