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"Are you out of your mind? Making out with Josh in our parent's kitchen with his parents on the other room?"

I frown at Savannah's words. This is exactly why I had been hiding from her all afternoon. I don't want to hear common sense or be told that what we did was wrong even if it was. I'm still in the clouds thinking about that kiss. I want to do it again and I won't be able to if my conscience is woken up by my sister.

It is late in the evening on Saturday and we're all huddled around a campfire Clint and Dad built earlier. Everyone is chatting and having a good time. We're having wine. It's the best, really. Who would have thought that hanging out with your parents would be so enjoyable? Of course, it's because none of us are teenagers. We're all grown adults now. My face is burning from the heat coming from the fire but I don't really care. I love campfires. They're so comforting and relaxing and, well, romantic.

I glance at Josh who is sitting directly across from me. He is in deep conversation with my dad and Clint. I watch as Crystal comes over and sits next to him. She touches his shoulder. Josh turns to look at her and she smiles as she hands him a beer. I look away feeling jealousy consume me in the inside. That should be me. I want to hand Josh beers. I want to be able to sit next to him without it being such a big deal.

"And now you're ignoring me, thanks."

I look at Savannah and roll my eyes. "Why are you always trying to have conversations in front of everyone?"

"Let's go inside then." She suggests.

I laugh. "You just want the juice don't you?"

She smirks. "You know I love me some drama since I have zero in my life."

I smile. Savannah has never had a boyfriend. Ever. She's probably the only 22 year old in the world who's never been on a date. It's not that she doesn't get hit on. She does very often. Most recently, it was a guy at the gym. If someone hits on you while you're all red and sweaty, well that tells you something. He asked for her number but Savannah told him she had a boyfriend. Why? He wasn't her type. I didn't even know she had a type. How can she know what her type is if she doesn't give guys a chance? I don't know. I don't understand her sometimes. But at the same time, I admire her. She knows exactly what she wants in a guy and she doesn't want to waste her time or somebody else's. I keep waiting for her to just start dating guy after guy but it hasn't happened. She's obviously a very unique 22-year-old and I love her for it.

"Believe me, you don't want it." I tell her.

"I don't know," she grins taking a sip of her lemonade. "Having two hot firefighters fight for you doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world."

"It is if they're brothers." I murmur under my breath.

"That does complicate things a bit." She agrees looking up behind me.

I turn and see Brad. He sits down next to me, our legs touching. "Made you this," He says handing me a s'more. The marshmallow looks delicious roasted and melted under the cookie.

"Brad-" I hesitate. I can see Mom and Louisa smiling at us which makes me uncomfortable. Brad knows exactly what he's doing and I wish he would be more considerate, especially after the conversation we had earlier today.

"It's just a s'more." Brad chuckles. "Come on, take it. I know how much you love them."

I do love s'mores, who doesn't? They're so good. I sigh but take it. "Thank you, looks delicious."

He looks at me. "Well? Take a bite."

"I can't with you looking at me." I laugh.

He chuckles. "Right. I won't look."

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