52. very cheesy

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I walk back to the campfire and sit next to Josh on the log. Crystal and Brad are sitting to our right and some of Savannah's friends to our left. Savannah left earlier to go with her boyfriend Kevin. There is old music playing and it mixes with the sound of the waves crashing against each other. The flames of the campfire illuminate our faces and I take in the warmth because it got chilly now that it's dark. It's such a beautiful night. What a perfect birthday.

"Everything alright?" Josh asks me quietly when I sit next to him.

I look into his beautiful brown eyes and nod. "Yeah," I say then put my arm through his. I press myself closer to him. His hand finds mine and he intertwines his fingers with mine.

"So," I say slowly. "-you didn't tell me you were buying a house."

He chuckles. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I was going to find one so quick."

I smile. "Where is it?"

"It's close to where you live." He glances at the beach. "Close to here."

"You're going to have to show it to me."

He looks at me. "Of course. It's going to be your house too."

I rest my chin on his shoulder as I look up at him. "I love you, Josh."

His expression softens when he hears that and he reaches out to stroke my cheek. "You have no idea what it means to hear you say that."

I smile. "I don't know what I did to deserve you." I trace his check with my finger. "I love the way you love me."

He brings up our hands and kisses the top of my hand. "I'll always find ways to show you how much I love you."

I sigh, happily. "Kiss me, please." I whisper. He half smiles then leans in. I feel my body relax when our lips finally meet again. I didn't even know how empty I felt without him until this moment, when he kisses me again. It's a short kiss, nothing crazy, considering we're not alone. We smile at each other shyly when we pull away.

I rest my head on his shoulder and look at the campfire. Now, it really is a perfect night.

"Hey!" Crystal says after a moment. "We didn't sing happy birthday!" She stands up.

"It's not really nece-" I stop because they're already singing. I laugh feeling embarrassed. I don't know what else to do so I focus on Josh. I look at him as he sings. I can see him singing this same song to our kids someday. God. He's going to be such a great father. I suddenly feel an urgency in getting our lives started together. I know it's silly because I should enjoy the present. The now.

"Thank you," I say awkwardly when they stop singing. I look at Crystal and smile. "Thank you for all of this."

She smiles then hugs me. "You're welcome. We need to make a pact."

I frown. "What type of pact?"

She looks at Josh and Brad excitedly. "That no matter what, we'll keep this tradition alive." She waves her hands around us. "Having campfires and spending time together."

Brad stands up and puts his arm around her. "I'm down."

I smile at her. "I like that."

She smiles then puts her hand in the middle. "Come on, we're doing this right now."

Brad groans but puts his hand on top of hers and I put mine on top of his with Josh putting his on top. "For Savannah," Crystal says putting her other hand on the very top. She smiles at all of us and I wonder how many drinks she's had. "Ready? Whoooo!"

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