24. having fun

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Josh was right.

The next week is a bad week.

With him working overnight and me working in the morning, we're on opposite schedules. He's free when I'm working and he's working when I'm free. It's a long week. We text each other when we can but it's just not the same. I miss him terribly. I look forward to Friday all week since we agreed I would spend the weekend with him.

On Friday, I accompany Cassie to her little niece's school. It's Career Day and she chose Cassie to come in to speak in front of the class. She invited me earlier in the week and I didn't have anything better to do so I said why not? and got out of work early. I have been using the gym as a distraction in the evenings. Even I don't recognize myself. Josh has made a miracle in me.

"My brother is an architect and his wife a banker and she chooses me," Cassie smiles. "I'm obviously flattered but you can imagine how they feel."

I smile. "I'm sure they understand."

She laughs. "Yeah, right."

I haven't stepped foot on an elementary school since I was an elementary student. I find myself enjoying the environment. Seeing little kids in classrooms in their little uniforms. I have a weird sense of deja vu.

I wait in the back of the classrooms with the other adults and enjoy the presentation. Cassie is wearing her nurse scrubs making her look super professional. She should be very proud of what she has accomplished. I look around the classroom and find myself thinking about what it would be like to be an elementary school teacher. I know I gave up on the illusion in becoming a teacher long ago because of the pay but I'm old enough to know that money isn't everything. I know it would be a very rewarding job. I decide to look into it.

"That was great," I say to Cassie when it's all over.

We decided to have lunch after and came to a pizza restaurant. It's a beautiful day out and it makes it even better in knowing that it's Friday. It means I get to see Josh.

"Yeah, thank you for coming."

"Of course," I say then look down at my phone when it vibrates. It's a text from Josh: can't wait to see you tonight. Don't be late.

I smile like an idiot as I text him back.

Excuse me, I didn't know we had an appointment.

My phone begins to ring a second later. I stand up and look at Cassie. "Sorry, I have to take this."

"No worries," she smiles at me.

I answer as I make my way outside. The glass doors are right next to where we're sitting so I don't have to go far. "Hey."

"You do have an appointment with me, missy," Josh says on the other end. "For the whole weekend."

I laugh. "How did you manage to get the weekend off again?"

"Changed a few shifts."

"Great," I smile. "I really miss you."

"I miss you more. I booked something for us."

"Where?" I ask excitedly.

"Just a resort somewhere."

"Where though?"

"Somewhere." He chuckles. "Just be ready. I'll pick you up tonight."

"Can't wait."

"Believe me, I can't either."

"Okay, I have to go I'm having lunch with my roommate. See you tonight."

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