// 017

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"Bye, whore!" Brendon shouted as he closed the door behind him. He finally put me down, and I was in a random conference room. Specifically the one that student council uses for their meetings. The sad part is, the only reason I know that is because I thought that they needed an edgy member. But by the time I found out a girl named Alex, who was viewed as edgy, was already on student council, and it was too late to resign.

Ryan was also in the room, leaning against one of the freshly painted walls. Painted with cheap, thin paint, but nonetheless freshly painted beige-ish-whitish. I still had yet to say something to the leather clad brunette, who seemed to be conflicted by the look on his face, and he still had yet to say something to me.

"..Hey," I awkwardly greeted, breaking the stiff silence in the room.

"Hey," his voice echoed through the conference room. I walked over to the table and sat on it, not really knowing why the hell I was here in the first place.

"I'm going to guess you're the reason Brendon carried me over his back like a bag of potatoes through the lunchroom and hallways then threw me into this room?" I tried to start some sort of small talk, looking over to him as he uncrossed his arms. He chuckled with a followed sigh, "this is going to wreck my ego."

He looked to have bright pink cheeks and his overall facial emotion changes to nervousness, but I didn't really comment on that.

"What's going to ruin your ego..?" I cautiously asked, bringing my right knee up to my chest and resting my chin upon it.

"So uh.. I kind of uhh.." Ryan hesitated and stuttered.

"Come on Ross, I don't have all day," I sighed, shifting my head slightly to the left to face the taller brunette.

"WELL," he loudly sighed, continuously stepping forward and then backwards.

"IkindofreallylikeyouandImayhavesaidsomefuckingidioticthingstoyouoraboutyoubutlikesoIlikeyou and uhhhhhhh," Ryan sheepishly laughed at the end, stretching the back of his head.

I looked up at him in confusion, as he looked back down at me with a somewhat blank stare.

"Uhh," I chuckled, "I didn't understand a thing you just said," I stated as he let go of his breath. "Oh," He sheepishly said.

"Could you aay it again? And maybe.. slow down a bit?" I asked, since I seriously couldn't make out one word, and it seemed to be somewhat important if he was so nervous about it, said it like that.

"So.. I kind of really like you and I may have said some fucking idiotic things to you or about you but like, I like you, and uhhh, well, yeah." Ryan rubbed the back of his neck as I sat there, trying to take it all in.

George Ryan Ross the III, likes me.


I mean, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any feelings for him, but, I mean, it could be a dare. He is a very good actor, after all.

"Uhh," Ryan broke the silence in the room once again, as I realized I was staring. "Are you like, legitimately serious right now? Do you actually have a crush on me?" I asked, picking my head up, crossing my legs like a kindergartener usually would. "Is that bad? I totally understand if—" Ryan started to spiral as I sighed, getting off the table, now standing right in front of Ryan. "I like you too, dumbass," I somewhat nervously ran my left hand through my hair, looking up at the brunette.

"May I ask you if you would to be my girlfriend, then?" Ryan nervously chuckled, as he looked down at his maroon colored converse. "I mean, yeah, my dude," I breathed out the words, immediately cringing at my words.

Really, (Y/N)? Yeah, my dude?


"Well, we should probably go back to lunch."

"Uhh, yeah."


May I just say.. I am on student council, and I get to know what we're doing for spirit week, and we're having a meme day, decades day, rainbow day, and one other thing I forget. So, everyone's counting on me to go to 2006 for decades day. Now if you excuse me, I shall now go on amazon and buy fake piercings.
And if you ask, yes, it is because student council needed an edgy member.

It's been a year since I wrote the above authors note. They cancelled decades day, so I went emo on rainbow day.

emo band texts // emo quartet au Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora