// 128

143 3 0


july 4th 2019
8:27 PM / 20:27

Plexiglass joined the chat

Plexiglass: my ray toro hater friend dragged me out to watch the fireworks with her

Plexiglass: and I brought mai with me

Plexiglass: and now they're fighting

Plexiglass: and I don't know if it's hilarious

Plexiglass: or concerning

Plexiglass: or what to do about it

(Y/N) joined the chat

(Y/N): I mean

(Y/N): probably both

Gerard🍋 joined the chat

Gerard🍋: well

Moikey joined the chat


Moikey left the chat

Gerard🍋: go die

Gerard🍋: Anyways

Gerard🍋: that can also be said about this chat tbh

Fronk joined the chat

Fronk: I set the toaster on fire and ran out of my house

Plexiglass: oh no

Fronk: also why is Brendon just standing in the middle of my street doing nothing

Fronk: I'm concerned


Gerard🍋: HUH

Plexiglass: I'm sorry

Plexiglass: again ??

(Y/N): yeah uh

(Y/N): Brendon hasn't done that in six years

(Y/N): but he used to do that a lot

(Y/N): mostly because he wanted to scare me into thinking he would get ran over when he didn't get his way with something

Dally joined the chat

Dally: Yeah well now when he doesn't get his way he DRUNKENLY TIES PEOPLE TO THE ROOF

Dally left the chat

Patrick tree joined the chat

Patrick tree: which

Patrick tree: he almost did get ran over a few times

Peter Gay joined the chat

Peter Gay: I want a Diet Coke

Peter Gay: but then again

Peter Gay: they taste horrible

Plexiglass: EXCUSE YOU

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