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9:17 PM / 21:17

The game was over. Indians lost. One to fifteen. Oh yeah, forgot to say, that's Aiden's team.

Well, and Frankie's team, but still.

I sighed as I stood up from the bleachers and hopped off, walking over to the snack shack.

Alex must've saw me, because she waved me over.

"What's up?" I asked. "Go through the door in the back," Alex replied as I shrugged, walking away to obey her command.

Once I walked into the small, heat packed room, I looked to see Halsey.

"How the fuck— YOU WERE JUST AT THE— HUH?" I stuttered, confused.

"I run fast," Halsey nonchalantly replied as I decided not to question it further.

"So, how jealous was Mikey?" Frank asked, grabbing a cheeseburger and unwrapping the foil around it.

"Don't know, wasn't paying attention to him," I shrugged as Halsey and Alex smiled at each other.

"I was paying attention," Alex chimed in.

"Me too," Halsey giggled.

"He was being a very jealous person," Halsey giggled as I rolled my eyes.

"I've never even been that jealous, not even in seventh grade when I saw my bandmate Jett curb–stomp some kid," Alex stated, leaning against the fridge.

"Wh— why would you be jealous? Did you wanna curb–stomp the kid yourself?" Frank queried.

"No, I wanted to be the kid getting curb–stomped, but only because he barely lived through it," Alex nonchalantly answered as we all looked at her in unison, disturbed and confused.

"Well anyways," I changed the topic, "why can't Mikey just get over it already? We broke up seven months ago. We didn't even date for six!"

"Honestly, someone buy him a girlfriend. See if that works," Halsey suggested as Alex, Frank, and I all looked over at her like she was stupid, which she indeed was.

"Do you know how feelings work— actually, I'm not even gonna question it," Alex sighed, grabbing a key.

"What's that for?" Frank asked as Alex grabbed three cheese burgers, "we're locking this place up, grab what you want and don't leave any hot food behind," Alex replied as Halsey went straight for the chicken and fries. Frank grabbed another cheeseburger, and I took a piece of fried dough.

"Now, let's fuckin' go."

"Can we go back now?" Mikey asked, annoyance in his tone of voice.

"Did you really wait in the lot this whole time?" Halsey chuckled as Mikey glared at her, "what else was I supposed to do?"

"...Don't know," she replied, pulling on the car door before realizing the car was locked.

"I have to talk to Aiden, you guys can wait in the car if you want," Alex turned to Mikey for a moment as she tossed her keys to him. He swiftly caught them, walking away with his hands in his pockets.

"Should I go with him?" Halsey asked.

"Uh, yeah, probably," Alex rubbed the back of her neck as Halsey shrugged, turning around to go catch up with Mikey.

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