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I was scrolling through my camera roll and accidentally clicked on the picture above but it's there now so yeah

Also, I was thinking of maybe putting some second POV in a few chapters? I don't like to write in second POV much but I'll give it a try

EDIT: no I hate it I'm sorry

UPDATE: it's been over a year and I still hate it

June 27th 2018
8:35 AM / 08:35

As the second bell rang for our next period to begin, Halsey and I were tripping over each other while trying to get to study hall before the other.

Did that sentence make any sense?

Doesn't matter, you probably get what I'm saying.

"I WIN!" I shouted as I passed through the doorframe before her, in a result of a few people's eyes shifting over to me.

"Fuck off," Halsey groaned, gripping onto my right shoulder to keep her from falling to the floor from exhaustion.

I walked over to Gerard and Mikey who seemed to be having a conversation about, oddly enough, candy bars.

"Hey losers," I greeted, sitting next to Mikey on the floor as Halsey followed suit to Gerard.

"Why weren't you guys here for homeroom? Or first period?" Gerard asked, running a hand through his bright red hair.

"Let's just say there was a... situation..." I looked over at Halsey who was sheepishly smiling.

"Hey, don't you dare blame this on me—" "You thought it was a good idea to wear white skinny jeans on your period. That's your fault," I cut her off as she snarled, which caught all of our attention.

"On her period? She's never off her period, you're implying?" Mikey queried, cocking an eyebrow.

"...Yes, Michael, if you haven't noticed, women usually have blood gushing out of their cunts for about a week every month," I chuckled, leaning my back against the wall behind me.

"Oh, well I knew that, I just thought there was an exception for Halsey."

"Why??" Gerard gave his brother a confused look.

"Because she's always bitchy in the way (Y/N) is when (Y/N)'s on her period, but I guess that's just a bad personality trait," Mikey shrugged, unzipping his backpack and searching for something.

"You fucking BITCH," Halsey shouted, leaning forward to punch Mikey, but failed due to Gerard quickly apprehending her.

"Uhh, anyways," Gerard changed the subject quickly.

"Actually, it's anyway—" "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALEX! NO ONE CARES! GO BE A GRAMMAR FUCK WITH YOUR DYKE FRIENDS!" Gerard shouted at the pasty boy who, for the second time, corrected him on his grammar.

"Hey, what the fuck did I do?!" the other Alex shouted from the other side of the room, "and I only have one dyke friend who doesn't even go to this school!"

"Oh, not you, the fucking pasty tranny over there," Halsey pointed at Alexander, who glared at Halsey and Gerard.


"Don't act like you're better than me because you're cis and straight!"

"What??? When the FUCK did I even— okay," Alex stood up and walked over to Alexander. She then kneeled down to be eye-to-eye leek with him.

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