Chapter Three

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I turned away, trying to swallow the salvation in my mouth as I grew needy to go to him.

"Sugar, I don't think you've introduced us." At the sound of his voice I felt my canines elongate.

"Oh yes, of course! Simon, this is Cameron. Cameron this is Simon." I could feel his eyes taking me all in; I could practically here him licking his lips.

I waved a hand over my shoulder in acknowledgement, whilst the other dug my nails into the side of the bar. I closed my eyes, breathing heavily. I needed to leave. Now. Before this whole night got messy.

I nearly sighed in relief at the sound of a ringtone blaring it's obnoxious chimes.

"I'm sorry. I've got to take this." I heard Simon mutter as he got up and took the call.

I turned around, finally, when I hear the door shut behind him.

My hands went back to rearranging the bottles to distract myself from the near disaster I could've had.

"I'll tell you something," Erin chirped, fiddling with the cash register "Simon has the two most gorgeous girls you'll ever see."

"He has children?" I chocked out.

"Yeah, and his wife is a real stunner too. He's such a good guy, always making sure his family comes first." She was talking about him as if he was some type of saint. Little did she know.

"A family man who comes to a strip club?" I queried. Surely that should be flashing big, red warning signs.

"Yeah I guess, but he's such a sweet heart. Us girls need to find us a man that can look after us like him." She was completely fooled and she had no idea.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him walking back in, taking a seat across the room. He was staring straight at me, shamelessly smirking.

"Do you want to get his drink or should I?"

"It's fine, you go." I tried to make it sound like nothing, but there was no way in hell that I was going over there.

The rest of the night went by pretty slow. The group of guys left around eleven as well as most of the other customers, only leaving some drowsy ones left.

I checked once more over to the corner of the room, and despite the small part of me that had hoped he wouldn't be there, I wasn't surprised to catch him still staring at me. His eyes bore into mine, the look he was giving me sending shivers down my spine.

Tapping my fingers nervously, I picked up my bag from behind the bar.

"Are you going?" I heard Erin ask from down the other side of the bar.

"Yeah is that okay?" I wasn't planning on asking, but now that I had been caught, it appeared rude not to.

"Sure hun, go ahead. I'll lock up don't worry about it." She smiled genuinely at me. I mumbled a thanks before pushing open the door out to the street.

The night breeze nipped at my skin, making me regret my decision not to bring a jumper. Dim street lamps did a poor job at brightening up the surrounding darkness, only illuminating a small orange pool of pavement beneath them.

I hurried my steps as my stomach began to churn as I passed alley way after alley way of ominous darkness. My heels hitting the concrete was the only sound to be heard as I rushed to get back to my truck.

I shouldn't be out here in the dark by myself and I knew it.

My eyes flicked back and forth between the tall buildings, occasionally catching the movement of a shadow before it disappeared.

Alpha's AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon