Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I don't know how you expect me to sleep if you keep staring at me like that."

I had been lying here for what felt like hours, trying to go to sleep. Yet the whole time Archer had been sat in the corner of the room, burning a whole into my head with his eyes. It was unnerving the way he could sit there with such concentration for so long.

"Like what?" He said oblivious.

I sighed, turning over. He was like talking to a brick wall. I tried to make him leave earlier, but since the doctor had said that he needed to be near me in order to get better, he hadn't left my side.

My whole body was still aching, like all my muscles were cramping all at once. My skin was itchy and stingy, so much that it couldn't be ignored. It was a pain that never lessened, and made it even harder to sleep.

I needed to sleep, my eyes were burning with fatigue. The pure exhaustion my body was feeling was enough to drive any normal person to despair.

I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on my own breathing, to send myself to sleep. But the only breathing I could concentrate on was Archer's from across the room.

In a flurry of frustration I sat up, throwing the covers off myself. "I can't sleep"

"The doctor said you had to rest" Archer said, pinching the bridge of his nose. I can imagine this was as frustrating for him as it was for me.

"I can't rest whilst you're watching me." I huffed.

"Well what do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know? Read a book."

"I don't read"

"Of course you don't" I half laughed half cried. I was going crazy being cooped up in here. It had been nearly two weeks, and I could count on my hand the amount of times that I had left this room.

"We could maybe... watch a movie" Archer suggested quietly, his gaze looking down at his hands for once rather than at me. The sight almost made me chuckle. The big strong Alpha male suddenly turned shy by asking a girl to watch a movie with him.

"It depends what movies you have in mind" I teased wanting to fish for a reaction.

Brown eyes flickered up at me from under thick lashes. He grinned back, standing up and leaving the room without another world.

Unsure if he was coming back I sat and twiddling my thumbs. Yet I couldn't ignore the fact that the pain was growing with every second.

I winced as it got hard to breathe. I put a hand on my chest as if that would somehow release the tension.

Archer came bounding back in the room, the pain dulling again. His arms held cushions, crisps and a laptop.

He stood at the side of the bed, an unsure look on his face. It was strange. Usually he oozed confidence, his cockiness too much for me even to tolerate. I couldn't place it; it was like his ego had shrunk along with his authority and he didn't know how to act anymore. It was ever since he bit me, he acted like he was treading on eggshells.

The softness in his stance, the uncertainty, was so unthreatening. Despite him chasing me through the house like a serial killer only a few days ago, or him kidnapping me full stop, I somehow couldn't see him in the same light.

Was I really about to pretend like he wasn't a psychopath, just to make my time here more bearable?

Fuck it.

I shuffled over, leaving a space for him to sit.

The small act of approval had a small smile tugging at his lips, as he climbed in beside me. The weight on my chest instantly lessened, and I felt I could finally breathe properly for the first time all day.

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