Chapter Ten

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I rolled onto my belly, pushing my face into the pillow and tangling my limbs into the soft sheets. I groaned out loud, a lingering ache still in my muscles. My head snapped up at the thought of my shift.

Archer was there, he found me, he took me.

I couldn't be here, I had to get out. It was all I could keep repeating in my mind to keep me calm. If I just stayed calm, I'd be able to get out. I tried to control my breathing, as the thought of him being anywhere near made me want to vomit.

Suddenly on high alert, I sprang out of the bed, ignoring the burn in my limbs. I took in my surroundings, my head snapping in each direction.

I needed a way out.

My eyes darted back and forth, taking in every bit of knowledge they could about my surroundings. A door to the left of me slightly open, revealing a bathroom; another door after that, possibly leading to a corridor. I couldn't chance going out that way though in case someone was waiting.

I pivoted on my toes, immediately spotting the large window. Grasping the ledge of the wooden pane, I hauled up the stiff window, grunting with effort. When I made a gap big enough, I pushed my head out.

I realised I was at least two floors up, and that if I jumped down onto the ground below, there was a high risk of me breaking my legs.

The sound of a doorknob turning had me jumping away from the window.

I backed up into the corner of the room, watching as the door slowly opened. I wasn't surprised to see the Archer's huge build enter through the frame.

A look of confusion and worry crossed his face as he took in the empty bed; but he was quick to find me shrunk back in the corner. He sighed in relief, taking steps towards me.

My hands came up defensively, backing impossibly further into the wall. This didn't seem to phase him, his strides undeterred. Once he reached me, his eyes travelled to the open window, eyebrows pulling together.

As if to make a statement, he closed it with a slam, his eyes intensely watching me as he did so. I felt like a reprimanded child as he walked back to me.

I looked up, having to crane my neck to even see his face; the height difference making me feel unbelievably vulnerable. I closed my eyes, anticipating a punishment for trying to escape. I flinched at the contact of his hand resting on my cheek.

"Please-" I started but had no idea how to finish. Fear had wrapped itself around my throat and was only squeezing tighter and tighter with every second that passed by.

"It's all right little mate." He shushed me, using the pad of his thumb to stroke my face. "I won't hurt you."

I stood frozen in place, not believing his words for a second. Of course I was going get hurt. Maybe not by him, but I had a pretty clear idea of who.

"Open your eyes." He used his other hand to tuck a few loose strands of hair that had fallen into my face behind my ears.

I knew nothing good would come from defying him, only worsening my situation. Defiance in these situations was no use. Opening my eyes, I took in his close face. His angular features were set in a pained expression, rich brown orbs swirling with hurt.

He seemed to stare at me for a moment, taking in my panic. He sighed, his hand falling to his sides.

"Are you hungry?" He waited for my reply, but I couldn't form one. My mouth was dry and my brain was running things through it at a hundred miles per hour.

Why hasn't he shown his face yet? Surely if he knew that I was here he would be here in a heartbeat. I don't think he'd be able to resist.

How could I think about my appetite in a situation like this. My eyes unconsciously traveled back to the window. I could make that jump, if I landed right-

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