Chapter Twenty Six

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Archers POV

"You're in heat."

"What the fuck are you talking about" She snapped, her voice suddenly turned venomous. Her skin was turning pale and her hands clammy. The distress on her face was increasing as the pain she was in grew.

My Wolf was whimpering at the pitiful sight of our mate. A whole week we hadn't seen her and now it led to this. We should have been here, with her, to protect her.

But I left her, not knowing how else to comfort her. I thought giving her space would be the best thing to do. After talking with Jake, I began to understand why she'd been acting so resistant. I had been getting carried away, not knowing that my excitement was only causing more damage than good.

She shrieked again, her body writhing in pain.

"I'm going to get a doctor." I said getting up. In a second, her hand shot out like a bullet and clung to my sleeve like a lifeline.

"You're not leaving this room until you tell me what the hell you did to me." She grunted, pain even notable in her voice. I winced looking as her eyes filled with malice, all directed towards me.

I mind linked the pack doctor to get here immediately.

This was the opposite to what I wanted. I thought that by marking her, our bond would grow, and that we would become closer. And it was like that, I felt it. Yet it only lasted seconds, before it was cut off cold.

"You did this to me." My attention snapped back her as her nails began to dig into the skin around the bite. Blood flowed down her collar, dripping into the water below her, creating inky ripples of red. Her fingers were trying to scratch the mark out. Trying to get rid of it.

My wolf howled at the destroying sight of our mate rejecting our mark. I couldn't stand seeing her harming herself, so I scooped her up in my arms, stopping her hands reaching near her neck.

"Get it off me!" She shrieked, thrashing around as I tried to lift her out the bath, water flinging everywhere. Her body wasn't hot like it was seconds before. It was ice cold. it was like touching a corpse, the usual sparks I felt not there leaving an awful eery emptiness.

Richard came bounding into the room, the door slamming against the wall as he threw it open; a small medical bag in his hand.  A look of panic struck his face, his eyes taking in the situation playing out before him.

"Don't just stand there. Help me!" I yelled, snapping him back into reality. My mate continued to swing her legs widely, trying to keep Richard from getting within a metre of her. But with each kick less and less energy was behind it.

Richard obviously decided that there was no way to help Cameron in this state, as he backed off and reached for his bag. He pulling out a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

Seeing this, Cameron kicked harder than before. Her head flew back and forth, her hair swirling like a wild whirlwind of black.  Nails dug into my forearms in her last attempt to make me let go.

"Hold her still." Richard said, coming closer slowly with caution, like he was approaching a wild animal.

"What do you think I'm trying to do." I growled, my wolf coming out slightly, as my nerves were starting to get the best of me.

Lowering  down to the ground, I used my legs to encase Cameron's, ceasing their movements. I wanted to let go, release my poor mate, hating having to hold her down. It seemed all I could ever do was suppress her.

Richard, with clear unease on his face, injected the syringe into her neck. The screaming died down, and the struggling stopped. I slowly let go, still cradling her in arms, her head resting on my chest.

"Can you tell me what on earth that was." I said breathless, my eyes still on my mates sleeping face. A face that only moments ago was filled with disgust towards me.

After moving Cameron onto the bed, I watched from the corner of the room as Richard preformed an examination. Sat on an armchair, my chin rested on my palm, as I watched with an exacting eye, no doubt putting pressure on Richard as he checked her vital signs and what not.

As he rested his glasses on the bedside table, I perked up. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, pointing a disappointed look towards me.

"What?" I pressed, not liking the judging look I was receiving from his end of the room.

"You marked her."


"By force."

I hung my head in shame. I couldn't even look over to my mate knowing what I did. It was disgusting.


Richard sighed again, picking his glasses back up from the nightstand, and placing them in his shirt pocket. "Archer..."

"I didn't mean to!" I jumped in, springing from the chair. "I would never- I could never mean-" My words trailed as I realised there was no excuse for what I had done.

"I think you know the severity of your actions, and for that I will spare you the lecture. Instead,  I think we must focus on fixing this. Your mate went into heat, but only for a brief moment. This was due to the mark not being completed properly, which might have been due to the process being forced or interrupted; possibly both."  His eyes caught mine, the clear judgement pinning me down, and making my guilt weigh a hundred pounds more.

"Due to this, her body began to reject the mark. And consequently you. This is not only damaging to her in the short term, but also to you."

My mate, rejecting me.

My mate. Gone.

"Archer listen to me." Richard was in front of me now. I didn't even see him move. I couldn't really see anything, it was all gone. "An alpha needs their mate. If you were a lower wolf, there is a possibility that you could have lived without her."

I looked over to the angelic form lying on the bed. How could I lose her. I had ruined everything. Again. It was all gone again.

"Archer. If Cameron rejects you, you'll die."

Sidenote: If one good thing has come out of this pandemic, it's that Shay has more time to write
Stay safe
Wash your hands you detty pig
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