Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was about bloody done with waking up in this bed feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. Although this time I could hardly even move my head to sit up and look around. Squinting my eyes open, I looked around the overly bright room.

I groaned at the sight Archers face anxiously hovering beside, dropping my head back down and closing my eyes shut, like I had fallen back asleep.

"How are you feeling?" The sound of someone else voice had my eyes snapping open again. I hadn't even seen the middle aged man stood beside the table as he routed through the contents of a medical bag.

"Brilliant" I grumbled, sending him wary look as he beamed at me, smile lines creasing at his eyes. I tried to sit up, immediately getting an awful head ache. I groaned again clutching my head.

"She doesn't seem brilliant." Archer said as though I wasn't even there.

"She needs to rest that's all, and plenty of time with your mate will help." The constant cheerfulness about him was starting to annoy me.

I moved my head slightly and immediately regretted It, as it stretched my neck. I gasped at the horrendous aching where Archer had bitten me. I lightly touched the area with my fingers, which were met with a bandage that covered the wound.

"Here" the doctor, I assume he's a doctor, said handing me a small glass of purple liquid. "It will help give you some energy back". I slowly took the glass from him, looking down at the florescent liquid.

"What is it?" I said frowning, not ready to drink what looked like poison because a strange told me to.

"It's a mix of natural minerals" He said with his back to me whilst lifting out a bottle of it and handing it over to Archer.

I looked over to him giving him a questioning look. If I was supposedly Archer mate, then surely he wouldn't give me anything that would kill me.

He turned the violet bottle in his big hands, watching the liquid inside slosh around. He watched it with sad eyes, his eyebrows pinched together. His face an unreadable expression, something that I hadn't seen in a while. Recently Archer had made his emotions very clear. But right now I couldn't read him.

"Drink mate, it's important." He said quietly, before placing the bottle on the side and walking out.

"You heard your mate" the man said giving me one of his big smiles again. "Drink up"

I brought the glass to my lips, but hesitated. "What happened?"

"Well Luna, you're body went into heat that is all. It is a natural thing after your mate marks you. I assume that it was slightly different for you due to you not being a wolf, which is why you had the fiasco last night." He turned around again, packing up the bag. "It will take your body a while to recover so you much spend as much time as possible with Archer. In fact I suggest that he doesn't leave your side."

"And why is that?" I question, swirling the drink in my hand, watching as it splashed up against the rim of the glass.

"Well mates naturally have a healing aura around each other. But especially with your situation after the heat, I would suggest that the only way that you can get better is to be with him"

"So if Archer is the one that is going to make me feel better, why do I need to drink this?" I questioned again, still not trusting it. I hated the colour purple, and my gut instinct was telling me to throw this out the window.

"As I said, it is to give you energy, as this whole process has been very taxing on your body"

I gave him one last look, before drinking it down in one. I burst out in a coughing fit, the awful taste burning and lingering in my mouth.

"I forgot to warn you about the taste" he chuckled heading over to the door. "It was nice meeting you Luna." and with that he was out the door, before I could even ask for his name.

I could feel the demon inside my head rocking, like she was trying to break out, to tell me something. I ignored the feeling, pushing her back. Knowing it, it probably just wanted to be set free to unleash anarchy.

The purple liquid caught the light that shined through the window, making purple figures dance across the walls. I got up grumbling, shoving the bottle into a drawer .

"I hate purple"


Sidenote// Well that was a quick turn around, only took my two days 

Pray for Bojo :(( 

Stay safe nuggets 

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xoxo Shay 

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