Chapter Twenty Four

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With a gasp of fresh air, I rose my head leaving the soft surface below. My eyes were blinded by the light, burning like they hadn't been used in years. The familiar, tender ache in my back between my shoulder blades thrummed as I sat up.

Everything felt groggy and blurry and my muscles were tired. Blinking hard a few times, my eyes finally adjusted.

Two big brown eyes looked back at me expectantly. I jumped, hitting my back against the head board.

"You're awake" Archer grunted, standing up straight from his couched position, where his fcae had only been millimetres from my own.

I gulped heavily, fisting the covers in my hand and pulling it close to me like it would form some sort of protection.

My hand on its own accord went up to my neck. A bandage sat over the pulsing bite mark. Eyes flicking back to Archer, I caught the look of guilt in his eyes as he saw me wince from the sting in the wound.

"What happened?" My voice scratched out, after a few attempts that were interrupted by coughs.

Leaning back against the wall, arms folded across his chest, Archer huffed. His eyes looked anywhere but at me. "I lost control-"

"I remember that" I snapped. "I meant after."

He paused again, his gaze travelling to the window where there was a large smashed hole. My brain moved faster than his words, realising the mistake that I had made.

"You- you saw?" He nodded his head slowly. It felt like the bottom of my stomach had fallen out. My head fell in my hands as my mind started swirl. "Don't let anyone see you"- a simple instruction, one that should've been easy enough to follow.

What was I meant to do now? If he told someone they'd find me straight away. I'd never be able to hide again, let alone lead a normal life.

"Hey," A heavy hand rested on my shoulder. I quickly shrugged him off, and scooted to the other side of the bed. Hurt fell on his face as he continued "you don't need to worry. As long as you're here I can keep you safe, no one will know."

My throat burned as tears began to fall. It was like being suffocated- trapped. Wherever I went I couldn't trust anyone without them becoming obsessive.

"But I can't stay here!" I half yelled, half cried. "I can't stay here." I repeated softly looking down into my lap. I couldn't get out. I didn't have a car. Woods surrounded the house for miles. I didn't have the energy to run. I had no idea how to control a shift, so even if i wanted to, I couldn't fly away.

Hanging his head like there was noose weighing him down, his expression once agin turned into an unreadable one. His eyes cast down at the floor, with a mixed look of shame, remorse and hurt. Opening and closing his hands, it was evident all he wanted was to reach out to me.

"Did anyone else see?" I whispered, trying to hard to not to break down. In four years had gone by, and no one had seen me. All of that running and hiding- it was all for nothing.

"No one saw." Archer reached out his hand hold mine, but I snatched it away like his skin burnt me like fire.

"But you saw!" I spat. Tears pooled in my eyes, as I looked at him with nothing but hatred. "You ruined everything." For once the look of anguish on his face did nothing to me. Not a shred of guilt floated into me as I watched his face crumple, as if he was on the verge of tears himself.

I was so close. A few more weeks and everything would have been ok. Elias would've come, and I could finally start my life again. Ever since that night it had been on hold; my ambitions, my emotions, everything. It was like I had been living my life on auto pilot, watching as everything passed me by, wasting my life, not getting attached, not letting anything past my first line of defence.

At yet, it only took one selfish person to come in and ruin all that hard work. In one night Archer had managed to single handedly destroy everything I had tried to achieve. I looked down into my lap, not really seeing as everything went grey around me. "You ruined everything" I repeated, every part of me deflated by those three words.

"Get out." Was all I managed to croak out after a moment where the silence had hug thick enough in the air to drown you. I felt Archer silently get up, walk to the door, and leave.

And for once, he didn't come back.


Side note// Little token of advice, never trust your siblings, as a money bribe will always turn the best of them into little snakes

Boarding school is great 99%, but the rest of the time- It is the breeding ground for depression

Happy New Year Nuggets

NEW YEAR NEW ME #livelaughlove



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